Ball bearings
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Ball bearings - 1

«H A&S ersa Bearings 04/ groove bail bearings Rodamientos radiales de bolas

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Ball bearings - 2

Deep groove bail bearings Rodamientos radiales de bolas 4.1/ Standard Bail Bearings Rodamientos de Bolas Estndar 193 4.2/ Spcial Bail Bearings Rodamientos de Bolas Especiales 221

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4.1 Standard bail bearings Rodamientos de bolas estndar Product Overview Introduccin 194 Description / Descripclⴴn 194 Design / Dteefto 194 Bearing Features Caracteristicas del Rodamiento 195 Tolrances / Tolerancias 195 Misai ignment / Desalineacin 196 Internai clearance / Juego Interno 196 Speed/Velocidad 197 Cages/Jaulas 198 Load rating / Cargas 198 Preffix/Suffix / Prefijos/Sufijo 199 Bearing Tables Tablas de Rodamientos 200 ASsFersa

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Ball bearings - 5

M Standard bal bearinga / RodanaaMoa ratflaaw bolaaeattndar Product overview / Description Deep groove bail bearings are the most popu-lar type of bearings and consequently, they are used for most of the applications. Deep groove bail bearings are non-separabte. Deep groove bail bearings can accommodale radial and thrust loads. Although they never reach the level of other types of bearͭings such as cytindrical roller bearings, ta-pered roller bearings or others, deep groove bail bearings are superior in speed rating to any other type of rotling lment bearing. Technical dimensions are in...

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Ball bearings - 7

4.1 Saruard btl btarinss / Rodm*nto« radkilM bciMMtt«j>t Beartng wtdth / Antfiura de rodBfrlonto - 2,5 0 -120 10 2.5 10 0 -120 10 10 18 0 -120 10 18 30 0 -120 13 30 50 0 -120 15 50 80 0 -150 19 80 120 0 -200 25 i?n iao 0 490 31 Misalignment Deep groove bail bearings allow only small misalignment between the inner and the outer rings, which requires a tight tolrance in the manufacturing of the housing. Under normal application conditions misalignment is usually between 2 and 10 minutes. It should be noted that when the bearing is running, misalignment of the bearing rings will cause a...

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Ball bearings - 8

a&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll Radial internai clearance / Juego radial interno Bore diameter / Dimetro interior d C2 Normal C3 C4 min min min min mm \im \im - 6 0 7 2 13 28 13 - - 6 10 0 7 2 13 8 23 14 29 10 18 0 9 3 18 11 25 18 33 18 24 0 10 5 20 13 28 20 36 24 30 11 5 20 13 28 23 41 30 40 11 6 20 15 33 28 46 40 50 11 6 23 18 36 30 51 50 65 15 8 28 23 43 38 61 65 80 15 10 30 25 51 46 71 80 100 18 12 36 30 58 53 84 100 120 2 20 15 41 36 66 61 97 120 140 2 23 18 48 41 81 71 114 140 160 2 23 18 53 46 91 81 130 160 180 2 25 20 61 53 102 91 147 180 200 2 30 25 71 63 117 107 163 200 225 2 35 25 85 75...

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Ball bearings - 9

4.1 Standard bail bearings / Rodamientos radiales bolas estndar Cages Basic deep groove bail bearings are normally fitted with pressed steel cages as standard. Other materials as copper alloy and polyamide can be supplied on demand. Equivalent Dynamic Bearing Load In the case of deep groove ball bearings, the axial load capacity and the X and Y factors are required for the calculation of the actual dynamic equivalent bearing load. The load capacity is calculated according to ISO 76 and ISO 281. P= X Fr + Y Fa when Fa/Fr > e P= Fr when Fa/Fr < e The X and Y factors depend on the...

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Ball bearings - 10

a&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll Prefixes/Suffixes Suffix Dsignation Chart for Bail Bearings. Prefijos/Sufijos Tabla de designacin de sufijos para Roda-mientos de bolas. 6208 2RS N Radial cleareance / Juego radial normal Without suffix / Sin sufijo C3 > Normal C4 > C3 Snap ring / Anillo el鴢stico Snap ring groove / Ranura para anillo elstico Cage material / Material jaula Brass / Latn - M Pressed steel / Chapa de acero - Without suffix / Sin sufijo Plastic / Plⴢstico - P Protection type / Tipo de proteccin Without Protection / Sin proteccin - Without suffix / Sin sufijo 1 Shield / Tapa - Z 2 Shields...

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Ball bearings - 29

4.1 Sartfard btl burinas / Rodm*ntoa radkiM botMMtifldtr 218

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Ball bearings - 32

4.2 Spcial bail bearings Rodamientos de bolas especiales Fersa has the chance to develop bearings in according with specific dimensions of drawing and we can even manufacture bail bearings to meet the special design request of the cus-tomer. Fersa dispone de capacidad de diseno para fa-bricar rodamientos de acuerdo a especificacio-nes de piano y as mismo se puede adaptar el diseno a los requerimientos de cliente. KSI a&s Fersa

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Ball bearings - 34

AssFersa Type/Tipo Assembly / Montaje (M! LOAD / CAPGA (kN) SPEED /VEIOCIDAD <rpm) ASSEMBLY / MONTAJE REFERENCES REMARK / NOTA DIHMICA ESTTICA ML/ ACEITE GREA SE /GRASA REFERENCIAS TIPO 1 C Ce to na ng | 19,0 31,0 0,6 8,1 3,8 13.0 13850 F18015 A 175 32,5 0,6 8.1 3.5 13.2 ... 10550 F18026 A 24.0 45,0 1.5 18,8 8,7 11.6 8700 F18014 - A 23,5 55,5 1,5 23,0 11.9 12,0 7550 F18020 A 29.0 53,5 0.6 25.0 12.3 12.0 --- 6900 F18019 Snat in Oufer Dtrater ftonura en $ ko Eriertr B 32,0 55,0 0,6 27.6 13,5 11,8 --- 6900 F18018 Srnp In Oite CWncto/ Ratura en cl Eitefcr B 35,0 63,5 0,8 31,2 15,7 12.0 --- 6000...

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::a&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll ■■ f- , r1 ■o i / Tipo Assembly / Montaje A 3 LOAD / CARGA (kN) DYNAMIC STATIC DINMICA ESTTICA SPEED / VELOCIDAD (rpm) OIL / GREASE / ACEITE GRASA ASSEMBLY / MONTAJE REFERENCES REFERENCIAS TYPE TIPO REMARK / NOTA C Co fo liai 94,0 141,0 2,0 94,1 63,1 14,2 5100 Spcial Raceway + circlip in F 18036 Outer Ring / Pista Especial + B Anillo Elstico en el Aro Exterior Special Raceway + circlip in F 18037 Outer Ring / Pista Especial + B Anillo El颢stico en el Aro Exterior 94,0 151,0 2,0 119,3 80, 1 13,8 5100 ESP ESP ESP 31,3 17,0 4300 F 18028 Special Construction /...

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A&S Bearings 05/ Angular contact bail bearings Rodamientos de bolas de contacto angular

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Angular contact bail bearings Rodamientos de bolas de contacto angular 5.1/ Double row angular contact ball bearings Rodamientos de bolas de doble hilera de contacto angular 229 5.2/ Four point angular contact ball bearings Rodamientos de bolas de contacto angular de cuatro puntos 241 PI

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5.1 Double row angular contact bail bearings Rodamientos de bolas de doble hilera de contacto angular Product Overview Introduccin Description / Descripcin Design / Diseno 230 230 230 Bearing Features Caracterfsticas del Rodamiento Tolerances / Tolerancias Internai clearance / Juego Interno Misalignment / Desalineaci䴴n Internai clearance / Juego Interno Speed / Velocidad Cages / Jaulas Load rating / Cargas 232 232 233 234 234 234 234 234 Bearing Tables Tablas de Rodamientos 236 AsS Fersa PI Bearings

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