Catalog excerpts

Water Quality OnLine ClO2 H2O2 PAA FTSS Turbidity Color pH ORP EC Temperature O2 O3 H2S AOC Fingerprints Contaminant Alarm
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Intelligent. Optical. Online. s::can is the world technology leader for submersible online spectrometer probes, water protection systems and event detection software. Our products measure a wide range of parameters in numerous applications. From our very solid-state pH-probe to our highly innovative spectral probes, all our products are developed with the same philosophy in mind: s::can measuring instruments are intelligent, robust and require little or no maintenance. They can be seamlessly integrated with other s::can systems but are also compatible with third-party systems. Almost 10 000...
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spectro::lyser The s::can spectro::lyserTM is a fully submersible UV/Vis spectrophotometer which measures light absorbance between 190 and750 nm. s::can’s proprietary algorithms analyze and decompose the spectral data to provide measurements for many important parameters including: nitrate, nitrite, COD, BOD, TSS, dissolved H2S and many more. No moving parts and no reagents are used, resulting in extremely low operating costs. i::scan The i::scan is a revolutionary miniature spectrometer combining innovative LED technology with state of the art optical measurement. The result is a sensor...
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spectro::lyser UV-Vis Peracetic Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Chlorine Dioxide Free / Total Chlorine Contaminant Alarm What do you want to measure? * The number of parameters is depending on the specific configuration of the monitoring system. © s::can Messtechnik GmbH
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Terminals and Software con::cube s::can’s con::cube is a compact, powerful and versatile terminal for data acquisition and station control. Integrating the newest processor technology, the con::cube’s very flexible options for interfacing to SCADA or any central database systems makes it perfect for station control. Its low power consumption in sleep mode fits the requirements for the operation in remote installations powered by solar panels. datalogger con touch screen & modem RS485 Bus, 12V Alimentazione SCADA Aria compressa
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moni::tool moni::tool is a revolutionary new platform for the management of measuring stations, online probes and analyzers. Whether it is installed in a large monitoring network or as a stand-alone station, moni::tool’s intuitive software and state of the art features are an essential backbone for sensor and station management. Data Validation vali::tool automatically detects, marks and corrects untrustworthy data, ensuring that only high quality data are fed into the event detection system. It also provides the user with indications on sensor maintenance requirements and automatically...
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Your application. Our solution. s::can monitoring systems are suitable for a wide range of applications, ranging from ultra pure water to industrial waste waters. Drinking water Early warning system monitors Bratislava’s water supply s::can’s event detection system monitors the groundwater quality of 176 raw water sources 24 hours a day. It is based on s::can’s moni::tool, that continuously analyzes four spectral alarm parameters to detect changes resulting from untypical, possibly harmful, water quality events. Bratislava Water Company Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Key products installed:...
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Almost 10 000 s::can systems are installed all over the world. Environmental Monitoring s::can sensors monitor Ganges river quality during world’s largest religious gathering s::can’s stations monitor the quality of the water in the Ganges river in India. This results in a better understanding of the contamination of the river by local industry and protects the millions of pilgrims that bathe in the Ganges river. Indian Central Pollution Control Board Location: Ganges, India River water monitoring Key products installed: spectro::lyser, ammo::lyser, condu::lyser, oxi::lyser, con::cube,...
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PORTUGAL s::can Kontakt Portugal Vincenzo Rocca T: +351 91 569 4663 vrocca@s-can.at Status: Regional Sales Manager CHINA Rm D /17F Building B 1118 Changshou Rd. 200042 Shanghai T: (+86-21) 34 06 03 11 F: (+86-21) 34 06 03 11 lxiao@s-can.cn www.s-can.cn Status: Representative Office s::can France SARL 370 route de Saint Canadet 13100 Aix en Provence P: + 33 4 42 20 35 01 F: + 33 9 82 25 35 01 sales@s-can.fr www.s-can.fr Status: Affiliate s::can Kontakt Italien Alessandro Morra T: +39 333 983 5634 amorra@s-can.at Status: Regional Sales Manager s::can Mexico Sistemas de Medición S. de R.L. de...
Open the catalog to page 12All S::can catalogs and technical brochures
light. speed ahead.
2 Pages
Monitoring Stations
16 Pages
Water Quality OnLine Waste Water
98 Pages
Water Quality OnLine Drinking Water
118 Pages
con::cube V3
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
ammo::lyser™ pro
2 Pages
spectro::lyser V3
4 Pages