Catalog excerpts

BOD COD BTX TOC DOC UV254 NO3 NO2 NH4 Status: Affiliate Status: Representative Office Status: Affiliate Status: Affiliate Status: Affiliate FTSS Turbidity Color pH ORP EC Temperature O2 O3 H2S AOC Fingerprints Contaminant Alarm Water Quality OnLine Waste Water
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Parameter & Product Overview Free / Total Chlorine color true (filtered) Contaminant Alarm This is an overview of all the products and their respective parameters. Take a look at the parameters that you need to measure and choose the right product for your application. Further information can be found on the stated page number. spectro::lyser industrial * The number of parameters is depending on the specific configuration of the monitoring system.
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con::cube V3 con::lyte eco/pro con::nect V3 Parameter Overview Why do we measure How do we measure The s::can solution Spectrometer Probes moni::tool vali::tool ana::tool visu::tool moni::app spectro::lyser™ V3 carbo::lyser™ V3 multi::lyser™ V3 nitro::lyser™ V3 uv::lyser V3 spectro::lyser™ UV spectro::lyser™ industrial spectro::lyser™ titanium pro System Configuration con::cube con::lyte con::nect Monitoring Stations i::scan Ionselective Probes Spare Parts & Accessories Services & Solutions Physical Probes oxi::lyser™ pH::lyser redo::lyser con
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A warm welcome to s::can You are holding in your hands the catalogue from s::can GmbH - the complete catalogue of online instruments for water quality monitoring. What makes this catalogue so special? The same thing that makes s::can special: s::can is the only firm in the world that has given its heart and soul to online water quality measurement. Since our foundation, nothing else has come out of our development department, nothing else has come out of our production sites, so now nothing else goes into our catalogue. We only ever become involved in technologies that are in line with this...
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Intelligent. Optical. OnLine. OnLine & InSitu Whether it is a simple pH sensor or a complex spectral probe, s::can measuring instruments are intelligent and compatible with each other in s::can systems and with third-party systems. They can all communicate with all terminals, they can also be operated without a terminal and they can even be integrated directly into your control system without an extra terminal. They are always operated by the same software, viewed on the same display and installed, set up, calibrated and maintained in the same way. They have a comprehensive repertoire of...
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Quality Guarantee - No one can do more for optimum quality About our prices Have you ever been annoyed with a cheap printer that you just bought, only to find that the first time you had to change the ink cartridge it cost almost as much as the printer itself? Unfortunately a similar trend can be detected in the sector of water quality measurement technology - but not at s::can. s::can does not try to make its profits from the sale of “consumables” such as reagents, consumable parts and the like, thereby hitting the customer with unexpected costs. s::can is not a “consumables company”. The...
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Water Quality Parameters Correlation with laboratory parameters In recent years many countries have witnessed a change of paradigm towards the recognition of online methods and instruments often in acknowledgement of the tremendous operational advantages to be gained from continuously measuring dynamic values. It is an understandable requirement of users and also of monitoring bodies with legal duties to check the accuracy of measurement of online sensors compared to standardised reference methods in the laboratory. This check is indispensable – but often not trivial – in particular with...
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Parameter Overview The goal of collecting and treating various waste waters is the reduction of the pollutant load released into natural waters that are used as receiving waters for the waste water. This task has to fulfil various guidelines that are defined in official emission and immission regulations. All s::can instruments can be operated according to the “plug & measure“ principle: With a simple plug connection, which provides power supply and data communication, the s::can sensors are connected to s::can terminals and are ready for use immediately. All s::can instruments are...
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Conventional Solutions The traditional cabinet analyser Let’s get out of the laboratory, and into the water. Away from the complicated and high-maintenance cabinet analysers towards reliable and simple online technologies and, above all, submersible spectrometers. A “mega trend” for the future of water management? We are convinced of it. s::can spectrometer probes need practically no maintenance, are extremely robust and durable and keep measuring for years, 24 hours a day, to the complete satisfaction of the operators. The advantages are obvious and are described later in more detail for...
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Conventional Solutions s::can spectral instruments capture the major proportion of organic carbon compounds (because they are chemo-physically similar to UV oxidation in a TOC analyser), which as a general rule correlates excellently with the reference measurements. Recovery is estimated to be about 80% in domestic waste water. The correlation with other oxidative methods for TOC analysis is usually also good but, like all methods, it also has certain limits. Our experts can now almost always say from experience how good the expected correlation will be and help you with optimising the...
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Non-compensated spectrum; represents the dissolved and non-dissolved substances COD_total BOD TOC Benzene Toluene Xylene Phenol Turbidity, TSS (total dissolved solids), etc. colour Turbidity-compensated spectrum; represents the dissolved components only 0 s::can measuring method – “Fingerprint“ Conventional Solutions The s::can Solution NO3-N Depending on the method, a spectral probe measures the nitrate concentration with much greater accuracy and stability and greater freedom from cross-sensitivities than a simple photometric probe (see diagram below). So an s::can spectral probe,...
Open the catalog to page 11All S::can catalogs and technical brochures
light. speed ahead.
2 Pages
Monitoring Stations
16 Pages
Water Quality OnLine
12 Pages
Water Quality OnLine Drinking Water
118 Pages
con::cube V3
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
ammo::lyser™ pro
2 Pages
spectro::lyser V3
4 Pages