Catalog excerpts

Messgeräte Sonstige Daten spectro::lyser V3 spectro::lyser® UV-Vis monitors depending on the application an individual selection of: TSS, TS, turbidity, color, TOC, DOC, BOD, COD, NO3 -N, NO3, HS-, O3, CLD, UV254, fingerprints, spectral alarms and temperature ∙ measuring principle: UV-Vis spectrometry over the total range (190-750 nm) ∙ web server on board - IoT enabled, no user software is needed to configure the probe 5 ∙ communicates directly with your mobile device via WLAN ∙ choose exactly the parameters you want to measure – unlimited number of parameters possible ∙ 8 GB onboard memory - capacity for logging data for many years ∙ fast measurement interval - every 10 seconds possible ∙ improved optical performance - revolutionary precision ∙ extremely power efficient - sleep mode for low energy consumption ∙ multiparameter probe with 1 mm, 5 mm or 35 mm optical path length, ideal for waste water, surface water and drinking water ∙ factory precalibrated, local multi-point calibration possible ∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation ∙ automatic cleaning with compressed air or brush/ruck::sack recommended accessories part number article name D-330-xxx con::cube V3 B-33-012 con::nect V3 B-32-xxx s::can compressor B-44 cleaning valve B-44-2 C-32-V3 Adapter cable to connect a V3 spectrometer (M12) to V2 Terminal (MIL Plug) F-110-V3 carrier s::can spectrometer V3 & V2 probe, 45° F-48-V3 spectrometer V3 & V2 flow-cell (bypass setup), PVC S-11-xx-moni moni::tool Software
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technical specification measuring principle measuring principle detail UV-Vis spectrometry 190 - 750 nm xenon flash lamp, pixel array detector measurement interval 10 sec (configurable, depending on application) automatic compensation instrument real dual beam measurement for compensation and detailed diagnostics automatic compensation cross turbidity / solids / organic sensitivities substances precalibrated ex-works all parameters accuracy standard solution (>1 mg/l) NO3 -N: +/- 2% +1/OPL[mg/l]* COD-KHP: +/-2% +10/OPL[mg/l]* (* OPL … optical pathlength in mm) access to raw signals access...
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municipal WWTP influent & sewer parameter TSS color (app) [mg/l] [Hazen] spectro::lyser™ V3 min. 0 0 (1 mm OPL, UV-Vis) max. 8000 23000 spectro::lyser™ V3 min. 0 0 (5 mm OPL, UV-Vis) max. 1200 3500 municipal WWTP aeration municipal WWTP effluent spectro::lyser™ V3 (1 mm OPL, UV-Vis) spectro::lyser™ V3 (5 mm OPL, UV-Vis) paper mill WWTP influent spectro::lyser™ V3 (1 mm OPL, UV-Vis) spectro::lyser™ V3 (5 mm OPL, UV-Vis) part number part number paper mill WWTP effluent spectro::lyser™ V3 (1 mm OPL, UV-Vis) spectro::lyser™ V3 (5 mm OPL, UV-Vis) brewery WWTP influent spectro::lyser™ V3 (1 mm...
Open the catalog to page 4All S::can catalogs and technical brochures
light. speed ahead.
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Monitoring Stations
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Water Quality OnLine
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Water Quality OnLine Waste Water
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Water Quality OnLine Drinking Water
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con::cube V3
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
ammo::lyser™ pro
2 Pages