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SERIES 2000 CIRCUIT-SWITCHER OUTDOOR TRANSMISSION, 69 KV THROUGH 230 KV Why do power users choose the Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher over any other circuit switcher? Why do Power Users Choose the Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher Over Any Other Circuit Switcher? 2 Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher Models 7 An Interrupter Designed for Simplicity and Reliability 13 An Operator Designed for Performance 13 Why Choose Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher? 21 Installation Is Quick, Inexpensive, and Predictable 21 Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher Provides Superior Reliability 22 Aging assets are a barrier to the energy transition and the development of the future grid. This leaves customers faced with the challenge of upgrading aging equipment while increasing load capacity. Many customers believe upgrading these systems is expensive and time-consuming when in reality a high-performance equipment that can be retrofitted quickly with minimal disruption is needed. Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers are a perfect solution to growing your grid because it is ideal where mounting flexibility is required. Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers have a simple, straightforward design with fewer parts, meaning lower purchase and operating costs, and complete factory-assembly, drastically reducing the installation time.

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Introduc tion WHY DO POWER USERS CHOOSE THE SERIES 2000 CIRCUITSWITCHER OVER ANY OTHER CIRCUIT SWITCHER? Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher advances the state of circuit-switcher technology by bringing you breakthroughs, including: Reliable, economical switching and protection: For transformers, single-shunt capacitor banks, line-connected and testing-connected shunt reactors, lines, and cables High interrupting ratings: 25-kA or 40-kA interrupting rating for 69-kV through 138- kV units, and 20-kA for 161-kV and 230-kV units, allowing application on a wide variety of systems A family of models...

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TABLE 1. Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers Interrupter Ratings for Transformer Switching and Protection Applications 1 Depending on continuous current rating of circuit switcher. 2 Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers can close, carry, and interrupt the magnetizing current of the protected transformer. 3 The interrupting ratings shown are applicable for the following duty cycles: O or CO. 4 Tripping of a Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher must be coordinated with source-side protective equipment for short-circuit currents in excess of this value. 5 Rating is based on transient recovery voltage parameters...

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TABLE 2. Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers Interrupter Ratings for Line Switching Applications 1 Depending upon continuous current rating of circuit switcher. 2 The interrupting ratings shown are applicable for the following duty cycles: O or CO. 3 Tripping of a Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher must be coordinated with source-side protective equipment for short-circuit currents in excess of this value. 4 Rating is based on transient recovery voltage parameters defined in Table IIA of IEC Standard 56: 1987 for Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers rated 69 kV, and Table IID of IEC Standard 56: 1987 for...

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Note: For qualifications on Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers interrupter ratings for series reactor switching applications, contact the nearest S&C sales office. TABLE 4. Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers Interrupter Ratings for Single Shunt Capacitor-Bank Switching and Protection12 Applications 1 S&C BankGuard Plus® Controls, described and listed in S&C Descriptive Bulletin 1011-30 and Specification Bulletin 1011-31, have the sensitivity to detect the first faulted unit in a capacitor bank, or to respond promptly to a shorted-turns fault in a shunt reactor, but with the discrimination to...

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TABLE 5. Series 2000 Circuit-Switchers Interrupter Ratings for Shunt Reactor Switching and Protection1 (Line-Connected or Tertiary-Connected Reactors) 1 S&C BankGuard Plus® Controls, described and listed in S&C Descriptive Bulletin 1011-30 and Specification Bulletin 1011-31, have the sensitivity to detect the first faulted unit in a capacitor bank, or to respond promptly to a shorted-turns fault in a shunt reactor, but with the discrimination to disregard system and bank unbalances, as well as spurious transients. 2 The interrupting ratings shown are applicable for the following duty...

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Series 20 0 0 Circuit- Sw itcher M odels MODEL 2010 For low-profile substations where an integral disconnect for the circuit switcher is required, Model 2010 is ideal. This model features horizontal interrupters and a vertical-break disconnect. On Model 2010, shown in Figure 2, the disconnect is power operated in sequence with the interrupters. Figure 2. A 138-kV Model 2010 Series 2000 Circuit-Switcher with horizontal interrupters and a vertical-break power-operated disconnect, applied for switching and protection of an oil-insulated shunt reactor at a substation belonging to a large...

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Series 20 0 0 Circuit- Switcher M odels MODEL 2020 For substations where a low-profile circuit-switcher configuration is not a requirement, but where space is minimal and an integral disconnect is required, Model 2020 is the answer. This model uses vertical interrupters and a side-break disconnect. It requires less space than low-profile-configuration Model 2010, and is also less expensive than this model because it uses shorter pole-unit bases and three fewer station post insulators. On Model 2020, shown in Figure 3, the disconnect is power operated in sequence with the interrupters....

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Series 20 0 0 Circuit- Switcher M odels MODEL 2030 Some circuit-switcher applications don’t require an integral disconnect because there’s already a separate disconnect installed in the substation. Such is often the case in retrofit installations, where a circuit switcher is desired to replace an existing fault interrupting scheme having capabilities that have been outgrown. An integral disconnect for the circuit switcher is also not needed in new installations where a separate disconnect is to be included in the layout and space is at a premium. For these applications, Model 2030 is ideal...

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