Catalog excerpts

FILE NO:50.10DATE:Mar.15, 2002 SUPERSEDES:50.10DATE:Apr.1, 1997 Sump and Sewage Systems >
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304 centerless ground stainless steel shaft Enclosed-type bronze impeller,keyed to shaft Cast iron inlet strainer Flexible coupling Plate-mounted alemite grease fittings Intermediate grease-lubricated bronze guide bearings for pit depths over 4 ft. (1.2m) > 1 > 1 ⁄ > 4 " (32mm) heavy-duty carbon steel shaft Heavy-duty grease-lubricated bronze guide bearings > Enclosed-type cast iron impeller Cast iron inlet strainer > Flexible coupling Raised thrust bearing mounted in a dirt and moisture resistant housing Plate-mounted alemite grease fittings Intermediate grease-lubricated bronze guide...
Open the catalog to page 2
Armstrong sewage pumps feature a screenless design,capable of handling waste material and sewage up to 2 > 1 ⁄ > 2 " (64mm) solids. > 1 > 1 ⁄ > 4 " (32mm) carbon steel shaft Gas-tight construction Raised thrust bearing mounted in a dirt and moisture resistant housing Cast iron 2-vane open-type impeller Floor plate mounted alemite grease fittings Grease-lubricated bronze guide bearings for pit depths over 5 ft. (1.5m) Flanged pump and column pipe > Water-lubricated cutless rubber bearings Water-lubricated graphite bearings Bronze impeller 304 stainless steel shaft >
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Circular or square sump cover plate and curb frame can be supplied with openings for simplex or duplex pump configurations.Cover plate includes 3" (76mm) NPT threaded vent andinspection cover. > Armstrong Sump & Sewage systems are available with avariety of starting equipment choices. > Ball and rod type float switch governs the control of pump operation based on sump liquid level. Level controls are mounted on a cast iron pedestal and bolted to sump cover plate. > NEMA1 control panel enclosure UL 508 or CSA approved Main disconnect > Thermal and short circuit protection using internal...
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12010090807060504540 35302520151098 CURVE NO.PUMP SIZEMAX. SOLID SIZE E-53652001-1/2BBilge water only E-53752002DBilge water only > E-5495240 -1-1/2 E E-54352402DBilge water only > E-5535240 -2-1/2 E E-54952401-1/2EBilge water only E-55352402-1/2EBilge water only > E-5715400 - 4E E-5435240 - 2D E-56154003D2/50mm dia. E-56554004D2 > 1 ԢD > 2 /64mm dia. E-57154004E2 > 1 ԢD > 2 /64mm dia. > E-5375200 -2D E-5615400 - 3D TOTAL HEAD IN FEET E-5365200 - 1-1/2 B TOTAL HEAD IN METERS E-5655400 -4D 2.534568101520253035 30405060708090100150200250300350400500600700 CAPACITY IN USgpm 30252015108654321.5...
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SERIES 5200 SUMP PUMP SERIES 5240 SUMP PUMP SERIES 5400 SEWAGE PUMP > ITEM No. DESCRIPTION ITEM No. DESCRIPTION ITEM No. DESCRIPTION 101Volute102Impeller 103Lower Discharge Elbow 104Volute Screw 106 Discharge Flange 107Discharge Flange Gasket 108Flange Nut 109Flange Bolt 116Impeller Nut 118 Impeller Washer 123Strainer 124Discharge Pipe 125Strainer Screw 126Suction Plate 127Discharge Elbow 128Discharge Pipe Screw & Washer 201Cover Plate & Lower Bearing 202Cover Plate Screw 206Motor Support 207Motor Screw 223Support Screw 224Column Pipe 225Intermediate Bearing Screw 226Intermediate Bearing...
Open the catalog to page 6
Furnish and install,as illustrated on the plans &specifications,an Armstrong Series 5000 simplex or duplex pumping system. > Sewage Pump shall be Model:5400 ______ verticalcentrifugal,flexible coupled for sewage service. Each pump shall provide ____ USgpm at _____ feet of TDH at a speed of ___ rpm. Pump length will be suitable for a pit depth of ___ feet. Pump shall be capable of passing solids sizes of 2" (51mm) and 2 Pump control shall be ball & rod mechanical float switch. Unit consists of copper ball,brass rod & stops. Float switch is mounted on a cast iron pedestal and bolted to sump...
Open the catalog to page 8All S. A. Armstrong Limited catalogs and technical brochures
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