Fast-Seal : High performance rolling door
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Catalog excerpts

Fast-Seal : High performance rolling door - 1

H FAST-S EAL I G H P E R F O R M A N C E R O L L I N G ® D O O R The Door that Revolutionized the Industry. When it was introduced with the first-ever Break-Away bottom bar, the Fast-Seal high-speed roll door changed the industry forever. Suddenly, a roll door is able to take a hit without suffering damage. It is this concept around which the industry has grown, but no other manufacturer has matched the dependability or durability of the FastSeal with the original Break-Away bottom bar. This, along with its patented counterbalance and tension system, is why the Fast-Seal remains the best exterior high-speed fabric roll door on the market today. F a s t – Opens at up to 50 inches per second. Safe – Dual electric photo eyes in side column and reversing edge in bottom bar. Optional, replaceable windows for visibility. Takes a Hit - Patented Break-Away™ bottom bar can be reset in just seconds, without tools, virtually eliminating downtime and repair costs. System II™ – Patented, independent design separates counterbalance from door tension permitting effective break away and the ability to handle high wind loads and negative pressure. Full Tension – Patented System II design provides proper counterbalance and panel tension at all times. L o w M a i n t e n a n c e – System II design comes with a lifetime warranty on all counterweights and tension springs.

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Fast-Seal : High performance rolling door - 2

Specifications: Subject to change Model: Rytec® Fast-Seal® Door Standard Size: Maximum width of 30 feet or maximum height of 24 feet. Door Panel: 3-ply Rilon™ material. 2- ply Rilon material for doors up to 14 feet wide by 16 feet high. Optional replaceable windows or screens for Rilon panels. Clear 4 mm PVC mate- rial for interior doors up to 12 feet wide Side Frames: Fully bolt together, reinforced side frames with front and rear wind bar guides. Full-height vinyl weather stripping seals against fabric material. Dual thru-beam photo eyes factory installed in standard models....

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