Catalog excerpts
Original IR 56 Easy smart curing with 56 needles 56 needles achieve up to 5.000 kg of curing per hour. The 350 mm-wide support surface ensures an ergonomic operation. An innovative machine concept that delivers not only substantial time savings but also overall better quality. Smart needle system Program-controlled actuating drives automatically switches from singleneedle to beam control or to cleaning control. Only very rarely must a n eedle be changed manually; but even that is easily done. Intuitive, large-format screen The control computer synchronises nine drive units to ensure seamless functioning. During operation the system senses any changes and rapidly adjusts the Original IR 56 to the new conditions. The process data are documented and all settings and operatingor cleaning-related data are continuously shown on the screen for the operator to view. Rotary filter for brine filtration Everything that does not fit through the needles is filtered out of the returning brine. Lumps of protein or spices are crushed and mixed again with the brine. Thus, everything that should be in the brine remains, and everything else is safely filtered out. The entire system is easily removed, cleaned and re-assembled. The rest is a fully automatic function. Push-button loading Integrated propeller mixer No need to lift bins from the floor onto the belt. Instead, a lift accepts a trolley loaded with five bins and automatically delivers one bin after another onto the belt. This working method ensures e rgonomic, more efficient loading. A fast-rotating propeller mixes a perfectly s easoned brine in just one minute. It distributes the spices and ingredients evenly in the water and dissolves them perfectly. A slower propeller speed maintains the mixing result throughout injection. Spices and ingredients thus remain evenly distributed, and are kept continuously in a mix action to enable uniform seasoning of the meat. Softer for better protein extraction Fine angled blades cut right through the meat with surgical precision. A suspension system for the b lades enables processing of bone-in-meat parts. During the process of cutting through the fibres, the meat structure is softened, activating actomyosin, the meat’s own tenderiser. The result is increased fluid retention and tenderer me
Open the catalog to page 1Machine height The Original IR 56 processes both fresh meat with and curing with pickling salt. A quick clean rids the machine of pickling salt, preventing red colouration in white products. Similarly, different seasoned brines can be used without concern of them mixing. The end result always tastes exactly as it should. The single-needle control ensures that only the exact amount of brine required in the cycle is used. Existing brine in the system cannot flow back into the fresh brine container but remains in the machine where a rotary filter removes residues. Cross-contamination of fresh...
Open the catalog to page 2All Rühle GmbH Lebensmitteltechnik catalogs and technical brochures
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