Catalog excerpts

LV PFC Capacitors t Paten g n Pendi
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DWCAP SERIES Three phase capacitors 230, 400,415,440,480,525,690 V, 50Hz • Three phase capacitor DUAL WINDING internally delta connected • Discharge resistors Incorporated • Reactive power factor correction • Dry type • Connector type terminal • Indoor mounting DWCAP TRIPLE S AFETY • Low losses metallized self-healing polypropylene lm, high density, high temperature and greater dielectric resistance Volt/µ • Polyurethane self-extinguishing resin V0, developed under standard UL 94 by RTR Energía • Aluminium case with botton xing M12x16 Triple safety • Overpressure disconnection system •...
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DWCAP SERIES Code Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Other power and voltage upon request
Open the catalog to page 3
Reinforced three phase capacitors with connector 230/400/415/440/480 V, 50 Hz • Three phase capacitor DUAL WINDING internally delta connected • Discharge resistors Incorporated • Reactive power factor correction • Reinforced design to support over voltage • Dry type • Connector type terminal • Indoor mounting DWCAP TRIPLE S AFETY • Low losses metallized self-healing polypropylene lm, high density, high temperature and greater dielectric resistance Volt/µ • Polyurethane self-extinguishing resin V0, developed under standard UL 94 by RTR Energía • Aluminium case with botton xing M12x16 Triple...
Open the catalog to page 4
DWCAP RTF SERIES Code Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Power KVAr Other power and voltage upon request
Open the catalog to page 5
Three phase capacitors with connector for harmonics lter application 230/400/440 V, 50Hz Characteristics and utility • Three phase capacitor DUAL WINDING internally delta connected • Discharge resistors Incorporated • Reactive power factor correction • Special design to install with 210, 189 or 134 Hz three phase harmonic lters. • Dry type • Connector type terminal • Indoor mounting • Low losses metallized self-healing polypropylene lm, high density, high temperature and greater dielectric resistance Volt/µ • Polyurethane self-extinguishing resin V0, developed under standard UL 94 by RTR...
Open the catalog to page 6
DWCAP RCT SERIES Code Power KVAr Detuning Factor Power KVAr Detuning Factor Power KVAr Detuning Factor Power KVAr Detuning Factor Power KVAr Detuning Factor Power KVAr Detuning Factor Power KVAr Detuning Factor Other power and voltage upon request
Open the catalog to page 7
DWCAP SERIES Temperature (IEC 60831-1/2) Ambient temperature ˚C Highest mean over any period of Symbol Maximun Connection terminal Max. cable section 1 Triple safety SYSTEM DISCONNECTION 1: Overpressure disconnection 2: Fuses 3: Patent DWCAP disconnection
Open the catalog to page 8
ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING RTR Energía has the most modern technology for electric capacitors, harmonic lters, transformers, capacitor banks and polyurethane resins in its production centre in Madrid. Furthermore, its large team of work designs adapted solutions for any different need and offers technical assistance for clients during every project phase. QUALITY AND INNOVATION The success of RTR Energia philosophy, oriented to the research and development of new solutions in the eld of energy, is based on its capacity of management and innovation. These new solutions are being developed...
Open the catalog to page 9
MA/C/CE/TER Series Medium Voltage New Series DW CAP Patent Peding Capacitor Banks Automatic Capacitor Banks Filters & Transformers Mini Mural Harmonic lters Single phase transformers (IP-00) Capacitor duty contactors On-load break switch
Open the catalog to page 10
Fixed Capacitors Banks PRBA Serie PRBD Serie ARM Series with harmonic lters PR12-D12 Automatic power factor controller ST Series with static contactors Split core current transformers Lighting components
Open the catalog to page 11
Spain: Headquarter&Manufacturing Centre RTR Energía, S.L. C/ Gavilanes, 11 Bis Pol. Ind. Pinto - Estación 28320 Pinto (Madrid) • SPAIN Tel.: (+34) 916 916 612 Fax: (+34) 916 912 257 E-mail: info@rtr.es www.rtr.es Russia: RTR Russia - Sales office Ofce 5, 6 Ilyinskity tupik Street, Krasnogorsk, 143405, Moscow Region, Russia Tel.: +7 495 981-98-39, +7 495 642-58-82, +7 498 653-40-68 Fax: +7 498 653-40-69 e-mail: sales@khomovelectro.ru www.rtr.es Chile: Manufacturing Centre RTR Energía Chile, S.A. La Estera nº 668 Panamericana Norte, Km. 17 Lateo Valle Grande-Lampa • CHILE Tel: (+56) 2 328 44...
Open the catalog to page 12All RTR Energía catalogs and technical brochures
General Catalogue
166 Pages
Controller PR-5D & PR-6D
12 Pages
Controller PR-2D
12 Pages
Lamps General Catalogue
20 Pages
32 Pages
Power Factor Correction
60 Pages
Three Phase Harmonic Filters
2 Pages
Three Phase Capacitors
2 Pages