Catalog excerpts

The Tracker 220 series of universal input indicators comprises arange of four models which offer measurement performance which is significantly better than that normally associated with indicators in thisprice range.The indicators can be used for simple measurement-onlyapplications or in more demanding situations requiring digital communications, alarms, maths functions and signal conditioning all set up from the front panel or via the serial communications interface.There is no need to make adjustments to internalpotentiometers or to use plug-in cards. Universal inputs for almostall process sensors > T221:Standard 4 digit display with 24VDC transmitter supply,10VDC reguated supply Universal supply > T222:As T221 but with dual alarm relays T223:5 digit display with 24VDC transmitter supply, a selectable0-12VDC regulated transducer supply, isolated analogueoutput and isolated serial communications DC outputs to power2-wire transmitters and strain gauge type transducers Optional alarm relayoutputs > T224:As T223 but with additional dual alarm relays Serial communications ֖MODBUS, J-BUS, DPTI Sealed to IP65 Configurable isolatedanalogue output > Certificate No.FM14290ISO 9001 EN29001 size="-2">
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The T220 Series of meters areprogrammable for all the followinginputsDC Inputs:20mA, ѱ100mV, 10V RTD Inputs:Pt100, Pt130, Ni100 Thermocouple Inputs:J, K, T, B, E, N, R, S, U, L, G, D, C, Ni/Ni, Platinal II, Palaplat Resistance Inputs:0-400(using 10V input) > High brightness LED 14.2mm high(0.56є), user programmable in therange T221/222:0-1999 to 09999T223/T224:-19999 to 99999Red or green Transmitter Supply 24VDC @ 32mA maxTransducer SupplyT221/222:10VDC 0.1V @ 30mAregulated ? T223/T224:0-12VDC (userselectable) ѱ0.05V @35mA regulatedIsolated Analogue OutputT223/T224:User selectable ranges of...
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