Catalog excerpts

Manufacturers of Alarm Annunciators and Systems | Sequential Event Recorders | Display Facias | Hazardous Area Interface, Alarm and Display Products | Signal Conditioning & Trip Amplifiers | Process Instrumentation >
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System 9000 Remote Logic Annunciator This feature rich, remote logic Annunciator has the ability to handle thousands of alarm channels. The multi-redundant design is also extended to the PSU and the serial communications. The system is based on a standard Eurorack and is programmable from the front and also through software. A wide variety of display or mimics can be driven from this system including the RTK range of Display FaciasExpandable up to 1000s of alarm channelsCan be used as a multiplexer and data gatherer Can be linked to Alarm Management Software > Display Facias Used where the...
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4850 Master Clock Global time synchronisation of multiple 9000TS systems can be achieved to a resolution of 1ms to world time standards. This 1U high 19" rack mounted unit presents the 9000TS system with a combination of serial communications and one secondpulsesto ensure devices in the alarm infrastructureshare an accurate and common time referenceAC or DC SupplyStatus relay output Optional GPS aerial and interface AMS Alarm Management Software > This software has been designed as a ready to usestandard package to provide alarm display informationin conjunction with RTK Annunciators. When...
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NEX7250 Zone 2 Annunciator Similar to the PEX7250, this unit is self-certified to the ATEX Directive for use in Zone 2 hazardous areas. The unit can be wall or panel mounting and will be sealed to IP54. Complete alarm packages can be designed and configured ready to mount with suitable PSUs, pushbuttons and audiblesThree window sizes and six window coloursAvailable from 10 to 90 alarm channels Can be supplied with Zone 2 PSUs > DA-149 Intrinsically Safe Relays A critical part of the system is the ability to interface between safe and hazardous areas. The DA-149 range of Intrinsically Safe...
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DFR30IS Display Facia The simple backlit flashing display is regarded asthe clearest way of alerting operators to abnormalconditions on complex process plants. The DFR30IS Display Facia provides a clear, bright display and is approved for use in zone 1 and zone 2 hazardous areas.Three window sizes and six window coloursBright LED Illumination Integral control pushbuttons > P861 Intrinsically Safe LED A certified LED Lamp provides visual on/offindication of process signals in hazardous areas. The standard BA9s can be supplied as part ofa pilot light or supplied separately to be used inany...
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P766/P866 Signal Isolators PPM4 Programmable Meter Used to monitor any standard process variable, these four digit meters are cost effective and accurateunits which can be configured by the user to suit each application. They include an isolated transmittersupply as standard and inputs for HOLD and TARE.The temperature units are available fully linearised to the thermocouple or RTD being used for accurate and reliable temperature readings Signal Conditioning units to isolate and convert standard process signals. Available with up tothree isolated analogue outputs all having very low input...
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Research and Development In order to continue to meet our customers changing needs we make significant investments into research and development in all areas of alarm and event monitoring. We will continue to launch original and innovative products to assist customers to monitor their critical processes and keep their plants running safely and reliably. Production facilities Our modern 22,000 sq ft design and manufacturing facility in the UK is equipped for the flexible demands of our market place using established lean manufacturing methods. Automated SMT production lines combined with...
Open the catalog to page 8All RTK catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
24V DC Power Supply Units
2 Pages
PPM4-T Temperature Meter
2 Pages
PPM4-P Process Meter
2 Pages
2 Pages
Intrinsically Safe Relays
8 Pages
P673 - Standby Power Supply
2 Pages
SIL725 Safety Annunciator
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
P766 Signal Isolator
2 Pages
DF30 Display Facia
4 Pages