IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023


Catalog excerpts

IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 2


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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 3

PROBLEM Power grids are o�en unreliable in developing countries, causing voltage fluctua�ons and other problems. For modern ci�es, this means that electrical infrastructure may not be able to keep up with popula�on growth. The more powerful the technology, the more powerful its backup engines, control units, and computers. They o�en lack backup power and are more prone to industrial sectors such as FMCG (Fast Consumer Goods) that rely heavily on data. When storing products, you must be careful about temperature and humidity levels. In order to minimize energy consump�on, industrial climate...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 4

Manufacturing facili�es o�en have a variety of complex specialized machinery and equipment that only trained engineers can configure and maintain. These equipments are usually different products from different suppliers. Situa�ons such as an equipment not working properly, malfunc�oning, needing to be reconfigured at the produc�on site can cause problems in the en�re produc�on line, resul�ng in delays and losses in produc�on. DATA COLLECTION FROM PRODUCTION LINES & MES In addi�on, when the produc�on informa�on of the machines on the produc�on lines is not followed, situa�ons such as poor...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 5

It is a known fact that a solu�on is only as strong as its weakest link. No ma�er how high investment value and quality your produc�on machines in your produc�on area have, they also require professional connec�on tools. There are different alterna�ves for connec�on equipment. However, industrial applica�ons require reliable, robust, easily accessible and professional network devices. Produc�on lines are not an area to take risks with poor quality products. WIRELESS CONNECTION OF INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS Factories o�en have more than one different produc�on line. It consists of various...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 6

It is important to monitor occupancy rates to allow planning and business con�nuity of places such as silos in factory sites, and tanks in water and wastewater centers. If loading and unloading are not managed on �me, it can create high financial and environmental losses. Other cri�cal indicators to monitor are the temperature, humidity, and pressure of silos and tanks. These factors are essen�al for safe silo and tank storage as most of the losses are due to unsuitable containment condi�ons during the storage phase. The faster the detec�on of abnormal situa�ons, the lower the losses. REMOTE...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 7

Generator, Air Compressor, etc. In order to maximize the efficiency of use of the machines they produce, and to provide complete and easy a�er-sales service to their customers, they have to monitor their machines remotely and in real-�me. Such complex machines have different types and types of sensors on them. At the same �me, the energy data consumed by the machines is important for fault detec�on and efficiency. This solu�on requires a device that will collect all data and energy consump�on data from a large number of different sensors placed in the installa�on. The collected data then needs to...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 8


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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 9

PROBLEM Obtaining energy from oil and gas resources is a complex process that requires a lot of infrastructures. Part of this infrastructure is pipelines, which are the key transport mechanism for the Oil and Gas industries. Pipelines are a safe, efficient, and cost-effec�ve way to transport processed and unprocessed materials. They also work non-stop all the �me outside of scheduled maintenance �mes. Important measurements such as flow rate, temperature, humidity, and pressure in the pipe should be monitored to diagnose poten�al safety and/or produc�vity issues beforehand. However, the bulk of...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 10

Today, although modern technologies make remote control quite simple, cost efficiency and the field where the technology will be applied s�ll determine the method of the solu�on. Although water pump and tank automa�on is used in city centers and industrial areas, it is generally used in drinking water automa�on of towns and villages in rural areas. Since the distances between the water well and the tanks are more than a few kilometers, communica�on over the cable is costly and difficult. The most suitable solu�on for such situa�ons is to use the cellular network. The pump can be controlled by...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 11

Basically, the energy infrastructure consists of genera�on and transmission. Nuclear, coal, gas power plants, and renewable energy plants together generate electricity and transmit it to the grid using a series of high, medium, and low voltage sta�ons and substa�ons. This provides electricity to homes and businesses. All steps of genera�on and transmission must be closely monitored, with all components of the grid centrally controlled by professional engineers and advanced SCADA systems to ensure that the infrastructure produces enough power that is efficiently distributed throughout the...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 12

PROBLEM INTE With the developing urbaniza�on, millions of homes and workplaces have subscribed to energy networks such as electricity, water and natural gas. The energy consump�on of homes and workplaces is tracked and billed through meters. The meter reading personnel of the electricity distribu�on companies visit the meters in the designated area for certain periods of �me, read the consump�on informa�on of the meters and enter this data into the system. This tradi�onal solu�on is quite costly. On the other hand, situa�ons such as erroneous reading are frequently experienced. REMOTE...

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IoT Use Cases Catalog 2023 - 14

Digital Billboards basically have a simple structure. It usually consists of a display panel and a media player with storage. But the real challenge is to control what content is displayed, at what intervals, and when. When we think that a single operator can be responsible for the large number of digital billboard screens in the field, we go to the digital billboard physically and see that manual loading is not even an op�on. In order to have an efficient business, the operator of the digital billboard infrastructure must be able to upload content and control all screens individually, without...

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