Catalog excerpts

Module name: [SLMOO |~~ Channel name: |SLM 0 Time weighting Frequency weighting Cakbr-Stmn progis?:;, please plug caltoratoi en mci op hones □Id vilua [d£] new value-|dE| Channel status ■17.3 talfralion value z laken ovei ■19\C caJiralion value- e- l-aken uvei RogaDAQ16 in combination with MI-17 as a recom- mended hardware. SOUND LEVEL MEASUREMENT MODUL The sound level measurement module has the following • Time weighting: fast, slow, impulse, leq following • Easy microphone calibration with a pistonphone; in calibration mode, DasyLAB 6 detects the channel/micro- phone to calibrate and calculates the correct values. • The correction values are stored with the worksheet. • The module has 16 inputs and 16 outputs for the weighted and dB scaled sound levels. • We recommend a 16 bit AD-converter with microphone power supply. ROGA-lnstruments, Steinkopfweg 7, D-55425 Waldalgesheim
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INTELLIGENT MEASURING EQUIPMENT www.roga-instruments.com SPM Sound Power Measurement Module SOUND POWER MEASUREMENT MODULE The sound power measurement module can calculate the sound power for a maximum of 16 input channels (from the sound level measurement module) 1 output channel, switchable to: • Measurement surface sound power. • Sound power level (SPL) of all active channels. The module properties allow you to set the four corrective values in dB or use the "wizards" to determin them: K0: Correction value for air pressure and temperature. Direct input of the dB value or pressure and...
Open the catalog to page 2All ROGA-Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
MI-17 IEPE Microphone
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