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FlexPro - 1


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FlexPro - 2

Data Analysis and Presentation Software Aisin Seiki Alfa Romeo Aral Arotate Bath Iron Works Bridgestone Corp. Caterpillar Motoren Central Research Institude of Electric Power Industry Chicago Transit Authority DaeWoo Heavy Industries & Daihatsu motor DEKRA Automobil Delphi Aotomotive Deutsche Bahn Deutsche Windguard Data Analysis & Presentation Presentation and analysis at the click of a button? That's no easy task!" ...but it is if you're using FlexPro. There are many graphical analysis programs out there, but new FlexPro 8 manages all of your analyses and presentations as a dynamic object...

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FlexPro - 3

Data Analysis and Presentation Software FlexPro is used by: I EADS I Ferrari F1 Racing Team I FIAT I Ford Motor Company I Fraunhofer Institute I Getzner Werkstoffe I Goodrich I Halberg Guss I Hilti I Hino motor I Hitachi I Hitachi Plant Engineering & Construction FlexPro’s elegant, object-oriented interface 1 is designed to make your work easier. FlexPro manages all your data, analyses, and presentations in a powerful project database that is displayed within the FlexPro Explorer. Here, within the familiar, structured Explorer environment, you can import and organize data from practically...

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FlexPro - 4

Data Analysis and Presentation Software Knorr Bremse Korea Electronic Power Corporation (KEPCO) Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) Korea Telecom Kyusyu Electric Power Co. Linewell Engineering Lockheed Martin Mitsubishi Caterpillar Mitsubishi Electric Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mitsubishi motors NASA - Kennedy Space Advanced Industrial Science NIPPON SHARYO NIPPON STEEL Nissan Diesel Nissin Kogyo Orenstein & Koppel ORIX Rentec Since FlexPro supports almost any binary file format you are likely to come across, you can mport data from a huge range of measurement nstruments and...

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FlexPro - 5

Data Analysis and Presentation Software 5gml mch L.EEU JZ-bh f tanryj pDlrc paint: An important intermediate step when analyzing time series is event isolation. FlexPro lets you mark events interactively or automatically detect them using cursors EE. The Event Isolation EE analysis object is designed to help you find bursts, level crossings, slopes or maxima in different signals. You can logically link multiple events or search for sequences of different FlexPro's non-linear curve and peak fitting routines include more than 160 built-in models and support for FPScript based custom models EE...

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FlexPro - 6

Which FlexPro is right for me? FlexPro View everything you need for presenting your data FlexPro Standard also includes powerful mathematical analysis functions FlexPro Professional also includes the complete VBA development environment and takes full advantage of multicore processors Designing charts with FlexPro is fun! Use the powerful Diagram Wizard to choose from over 100 chart types. Define and scale axes, legends etc. the way you want them to be. Edit attributes such as font size and colour without having to wade through numerous dialog boxes. Drag-&-drop curves onto your graph....

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FlexPro - 7

FlexPro Option – Spectral Analysis ADD-ON MODULE: FlexPro Option Spectral Analysis FlexPro offers the latest spectral analysis procedure for stationary and non-stationary signals and time series: I Frequency-domain methods: Windowed Fourier spectra, periodograms, multitaper spectra, transforms for unevenly sampled data. I Time-frequency methods: Short-time Fourier transforms, continuous wavelet transforms. I Parametric and Eigen analysis methods: Principal-component AR and ARMA, minimum variance, MUSIC, and EV eigen spectra. I Harmonic analysis: Multicomponent sinusoidal modelling with...

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FlexPro - 8

FlexPro Option – Counting Procedures ADD-ON MODULE: Counting Procedures Option I Matrices: Markov matrix and Rainflow matrix in range-mean format as well as symmetrical and asymmetrical fromto format. The residue of the rainflow count can optionally be included into the result. I Range filter: To suppress small load I Class divisions: Automatic, start and width of class, begin and end, symmetrical or via external data set. I Derived collectives: Peaks and troughs, positive and negative ranges and range pairs, positive and negative level crossings. I Frequencies: Absolute, relative, I...

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FlexPro - 9

FlexPro Options – Inductive Statistics • Order Tracking ADD-ON MODULE: The Order Tracking option will help you to determine which sections of a frequency spectrum relate to each component of the system — especially useful when you’re looking at an engine or machinery and you need to isolate speed dependent oscillations. Order Tracking Option Features: Calculate theoretical distributions and perform analysis of variance, goodness of fit, Statistical Process Control and much more with FlexPro’s Advanced Statistics option. I Source data may be sampled based on I The factor to transform time...

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FlexPro - 10

FlexPro Option – Digital Filters ADD-ON MODULE: FlexPro Option Digital Filters FlexPro’s Digital Filters option makes designing FIR multiband filters child’s play. Simply add the desired band limits and gain factors to the list and all signals previously selected by you are immediately filtered Features: IIR filter design I Filter types: low pass, high pass, bandpass and bandstop I Characteristics: Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, Elliptic/Cauer I Adjustable approximation errors or ripple/ attenuation for Chebyshev and Elliptic filters I Optional phase correction through...

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FlexPro - 11

FlexPro Option – Acoustics ADD-ON MODULE: FlexPro Option Acoustics Adds state of the art acoustical methods: I Sound power calculation including all correction terms for barometric pressure and temperature (K0), background noise (K1), environmental correction (K2), and enveloping surface (Ls). I Sound level evaluation: Frequency weighting LINEAR, A, B, C, time weighting FAST, SLOW, IMPULSE, Leq, peak. Results may be level versus time or last level. Easy calibration support. I Calculating loudness: Stevens method (ISO 532 A) and Zwicker method (ISO 532 B) for diffuse sound field and direct...

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All ROGA-Instruments catalogs and technical brochures

  1. RogaDAQ 4

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  2. 152A Series

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  3. RogaDAQ2

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  4. RogaDAQ 16

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  5. RogaREC

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  6. SLM & SPM

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  7. DASYLab

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  8. MI 17

    1 Pages

  9. RG 50

    1 Pages

  10. RG-20-PC

    1 Pages

  11. MU-10 USB

    1 Pages

  12. FastTracer

    12 Pages

  13. AS 10

    2 Pages

  14. RogaDAQ1

    1 Pages

  15. Diamond 401

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs