Catalog excerpts

INTELLIGENT MEASURING EQUIPMENT www.roga-instruments.com FastTracer 3D Sensor System • is a user-friendly, cheap and powerful sensor. It joins together the MEMS technology and USB serial port to create a portable high performance sensor capable of processing vibration and acceleration analysis. • is the portable version of SeTAC: while SeTAC is fixed on machineries for continuous monitoring, giving digital alarms when excessive vibrations are reached. FastTRACER is not bounded to a specific machine. It is a portable analysis instrument. • enables the PC a higher analysis capacity and speed signal evaluation, excellent data visualization, easy storage of the data, in the way of reducing the analysis time compared to traditional vibration measurement systems • does not require an external power supply, as it works connected to a Personal Computer via USB. So, it is easy to use in every working contest. A wide selection of real time analysis features and the triaxial sensor capabilities give opportunity to analyse the main vibration phenomena through an easy graphical interface at a very low price. • is able to extrapolate from acceleration signal some of the derived dimensions (as RMS, module, velocity, FFT) The easy device's programmability allow user to choose which is the most suitable parameter for every kind of analysis. FastTRACER can discriminate desired frequencies by using configurable filters. FASTTRACER • allows to approch the advantages of predictive maintenance. recording the vibration trace of machinery in its different behaviors and during different operating conditions, it is possible to create a vibration database. The easy visualization on a PC screen makes immediate the different behaviors between similar machines, as well as the evaluation of the deteriorating trend of typical spare parts. FASTTRACER can be used to: • visualize the natural vibration frequencies which characterize machines and the waveforms on each axis; • measure the acceleration, velocity, displacement and unbalancing values during the different working processes; • record waveforms and the frequency spectrum analysis (FFT) for investigation and historical performances comparison; • define and use specific values as reference for the tools wear and machine anomalies. ROGA-Instruments, Steinkopfweg 7, D-55425 Waldalgesheim Phone: +49 (0) 6721-98 44 54, Fax: +49 (0) 6721-98 44 74
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FAST TRACER The USB Triaxial Vibration Analyzer ROGA-Instruments, Steinkopfweg 7, D-55425 Waldalgesheim Tel. +49-6721-984454 Fax +49-6721-984474 www.roga-instruments.com
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ABSTRACT Today’s manufacturers business need is to extract maximum profits from the minimum investment in plant and equipment. But how to guarantee the continuous improvement of products and the growth of business? Using suitable instruments for reaching both the aims. This paper is focused on the importance of vibrations analysis and diagnostic activities for an organization. We are going to speak of Condition Monitoring, or the use of advanced technologies in order to determine equipment condition, and potentially predict failure using vibration measurement and analysis: the Sequoia...
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vibration measurement. Versatility of our vibration measurement and analysis instrument is a characteristics that allows its use in mechanical field for machinery characterization, predictive maintenance or for improvement quality control. Among FastTRACER qualities there are the capacity to: analyze lowest frequency phenomena ( from 0 Hz); measure the acceleration, velocity and unbalancing values during the different working processes; discriminate, using frequency analysis of signal, different sources of vibration; exact data acquisition of dynamic working process; record waveforms and...
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industrial service; tool wear analysis; balancing measurement and evaluation; abnormal vibration detection during a working process; determination of work piece-tool contact (cut in the air); machine stiffness analysis; determination of unwanted clearances in any handling process; tables locking verify; tool-workpiece contact detection; machine-tool stiffness analysis; backlash detection. Companies that implement Condition Monitoring on their equipments expend usually 25% in maintenance less that the companies that don’t utilize condition monitoring. FastTRACER TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The...
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General characteristics Configuration Triaxial accelerometer Full scale USB serial port emulation Sensors Type Dynamic range Up to 1000 g Figure 1: axis orientation Housing Weight Protection index Temperature range 3 m USB cable; till 30 m cable extensions available Software provided FastTRACER application software. Figure 2: FastTRACER dimensions Vibralog application compatible.
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FastTRACER INSTALLATION Due to the variety of the functions that can be performed by the FasfTRACER, mounting information cannot be specific for all the equipment and applications. Therefore, the guidelines that follows are only the general instructions that should be considered for mounting the FasfTRACER and perform correct data acquisitions. The FasfTRACER should be mounted in a place where the phenomena to detect can be mechanically transmitted to its box. The closer the sensor is mounted to the source, the more satisfactory the monitoring results will be. The FasfTRACER must be secured...
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When the FasfTRACER application software is started, you have to open a "view on the vibration signal" , and the main window shown in fig. 4 and 5 appears. Figure 4: Choice of signal process Figure 5: Choice of signal analysis In these first steps you open a view on the vibration signal, so you have to choose how to process vibration, in time or frequency domain, and in which dimension visualize it, the single axis, the Following this creating procedure, the software allows you to open more than one view, for contemporary analysis with different computation alghoritms. When a FasfTRACER is...
Open the catalog to page 8All ROGA-Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
Directional microphone AS 10
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MI 17
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RG 50
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AS 10
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Impulse hammers
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Industrial acoustic sensor
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MP41 1/2" IEPE
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Plug.n.DAQ USB Front-End
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Diamond 401
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Archived catalogs
MI-17 IEPE Microphone
1 Pages