Catalog excerpts

Fibre-reinforced composite rebars For corrosion-free, high strength, durable and very economic structures Building industry
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Durostone® FRP Rebar High performance reinforcement bars Durostone® FRP Rebar. The new generation of fibre-reinforced composite reinforcement bars. Combine extremely high strengths with low weight and longer service life. Specially developed for demanding applications that require high mechanical stability and corrosion resistance from reinforcement bars. Available as: • Durostone® GFRP Rebar – Glass-fibre-reinforced plastic (GFRP) • Durostone® BFRP Rebar – Basalt-fibre-reinforced plastic (BFRP) Significantly reduced maintenance and service life costs compared to conventional steel rebars....
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For demanding fields of application Durostone® FRP Rebars were especially developed for demanding fields of application in aggressive environments, where reinforcement bars have to withstand permanently high mechanical and corrosive loads. Durostone® FRP Rebars have outstanding properties for such requirements. For example: Corrosion resistance Alkali-resistance & durability Building structures next to sea and in coastal regions which are exposed to severe corrosion: harbour installations, docks, underwater tunnels, desalinisation plants, breakwaters, embankments, quay walls, windmills,...
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Your advantages when using fibrereinforced Durostone® FRP Rebars in your construction projects Durostone® FRP Rebar High corrosion resistance – NO RUST • Permanent alkali and chemical resistance and high acid resistance, also in very demanding environments • Resistant to concrete carbonation and in the event of acidic impact, e. g. aggressive mountain water or industrial waste water • Prevents concrete spalling and protects static structural parts High economic efficiency – REDUCTION OF LIFE CYCLE COSTS High performance replacement for reinforcement bars made of: • • • • Inox stainless...
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Advantages of Durostone® FRP Rebar non-metallic reinforcement Durostone® FRP Rebar fibre-reinforced reinforcement bars possess a range of properties that are much better than those of steel, such as resilience – lightness – mechanical strengths – durability… Stainless steel Galvanised steel Steel Rebar Durostone® Durostone® Reinforce- Reinforcement steel ment steel GFRP BFRP Bst 22/34 Bst 500 A/B Rebar Rebar Steel Rebar Durostone® FRP Rebars only have around 27 % of the weight of steel reinforcement bars. This permits lighter structures with maximum stability and less deadweight as well as...
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Durostone® FRP Rebar Cooperation: Röchling Engineering Plastics SE & Co. KG Röchlingstr. 1 D-49733 Haren | Germany T +49 5934 701-0 F +49 5934 701-299 info@roechling-plastics.com www.roechling-industrial.com/haren ASA.TEC GMBH Seestraße 59 A-3550 Langenlois | Austria T +43 (0) 2734 3227040 office@asatec.at www.asatec.at Röchling Permali Composites S.A.S. 8, Rue André Fruchard F-54520 B.P.12, Maxéville | France T +33 383 342424 F +33 383 322318 info@roechling-permali.fr www.roechling-industrial.com/fr Röchling Plásticos Técnos S.A.U. Ctra. Villena, s/n. - Apartado 34 46880 Bocairent | Spain...
Open the catalog to page 6All RÖCHLING ENGINEERING PLASTICS ITALIA catalogs and technical brochures
Micro-machining of plastics
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Fibracon® PTFE seals
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EtroX® V
6 Pages
Optamid® EasyFlex® Pulley
2 Pages
PCB Solder Pallet Materials
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Ballistic protection materials
16 Pages
Product overview ROBALON
4 Pages
Agriculture and Forestry
3 Pages
Fibracon® PTFE
4 Pages
3 Pages
110 Pages
4 Pages