Catalog excerpts
Own or rent Robbins trenchless equipment and experience the most time and cost effective way to complete your next project. Over one hundred contractors around the world can attest that these machines are the most efficient way to bore rock. Robbins employs a highly qualified, knowledgeable team that can help you tackle your next project with confidence. With over fifty years of experience, no other company exists that knows more about hard rock The Small Boring Unit (SBU) Division at The Robbins Company consists of these machine Small Boring Unit: Requires an ABM and full- face auger...
Open the catalog to page 2HARD ROCK. EASY DECISION. Small Boring Unit Extend your boring capabilities with the Rob- bins Small Boring Unit (SBU-A). Excavate rock faster without the hassle of pneumatic hammers or other less effective tools. Beat your competition on the bid, experience high advance rates, and walk away more profitable when you use the Robbins SBU-A on your next project. The SBU-A is a small diameter cutterhead equipped with disc cutters and a high-capacity thrust bearing assembly. The SBU-A can be used with any Auger Boring Machine, which provides forward thrust for machine advance and torque to...
Open the catalog to page 3DRIVEN TO BORE ROCK. Motorized Small Boring Unit Perform extraordinary bores with the Robbins Motorized Small Boring Unit (SBU-M). Bore longer tunnels, through harder rock, on line and grade during your next project. The SBU-M is a motorized rock boring machine for excavating mixed ground to hard rock. Similar to the SBU-A, the SBU-M utilizes disc cutters mounted on a cutterhead. The SBU-M derives torque from an in-shield drive motor and thrust from an Auger Boring Machine or pipe jacking unit. Muck is normally removed using an invert auger. To steer the machine, the operator has the...
Open the catalog to page 4For the most challenging hard rock bores, the Robbins Rockhead is the best solution. Modeled after large diameter tunnel boring machines, the Rockhead is the most sophisticated small diameter machine offered by Robbins. It has the ability to bore over Thrust and torque are generated through an in-shield drive motor and thrust cylinders. The operator's console is located inside the rear shield. For steering, the forward shield can be articulated and stabilizer pads adjusted. Disc cutters are mounted on the cutterhead and can be changed at any point Both Double Shield and Single Shield...
Open the catalog to page 5ANOTHER BORING Auger Boring Machine Complete your next bore more efficiently and safely. The Robbins Company has developed a heavy duty Auger Boring Machine (ABM) that is more reliable and productive than competitors'. Designed to work with Robbins SBUs, Robbins Auger Boring Machines can take on the some of the toughest bores. Various cutterheads are available to excavate soil, sand, clay, cobble, glacial till, soft shale and some sandstone. Both the SBU-A and the SBU-M are the ideal attachments to be used with the Robbins ABM in hard rock and mixed ground. The Robbins ABM has been...
Open the catalog to page 6Copyright 2007 • Printed in USA Robbins Solon, Ohio USA +1 440 248 3303 Robbins Oak Hill, West Virginia, USA +1 304 465 5880 Robbins Europa Cesate, Italy + 39 02 9906 5193 Robbins Hispania Madrid, Spain +34 91 444 5450 Robbins Kent, Washington, USA +1 253 872 0500 Robbins China Shanghai, China + 86 21 3402 3238 Robbins GmbH Goppingen Voralb, Germany + 49 7161 503090 Robbins India New Delhi, India +91 98 1885 8284 Roboretec Bucharest, Romania +40 21 490 43 75
Open the catalog to page 7All The Robbins Company catalogs and technical brochures
Main Beam TBM Spec Sheet
2 Pages
Crossover XRE Spec Sheet
2 Pages
Difficult Ground Brochure
9 Pages
Crossover XSE
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Slurry Microtunneling [US]
2 Pages
Rockhead spec sheet US
2 Pages
SBU-A spec sheet US
2 Pages
ABM spec sheet US
2 Pages
2 Pages
Robbins EPB Brochure
9 Pages
9 Pages
9 Pages
7 Pages