Catalog excerpts

Data sheet RM22D01_05 Issue 5, 19th January 2023 RM22 rotary magnetic encoder The RM22 is a compact, high-speed rotary magnetic encoder designed for use in harsh environments. The non-contact two part design removes the need for seals or bearings ensuring longterm reliability and simple installation. The encoder comprises a magnetic actuator and a separate encoder body. Rotation of the magnetic actuator is sensed by a custom encoder chip within the body, and processed to give the required output format. The encoder chip processes the signals received to provide resolutions to 13 bit (8,192 positions per revolution) with high operational speeds. Output signals are provided in industry standard absolute, incremental, analogue or linear formats. The compact encoder body is just 22 mm in diameter and provides dirt immunity up to IP68. Non-contact, frictionless design High speed operation to 30,000 rpm Compact - 22 mm diameter body Complementary analogue outputs with a single sine/cosine cycle per revolution Absolute - to 13 bit (8,192 positions per revolution) BiSS C interface with up to 8,192 counts per revolution and optional revolution counter. Industry standard absolute, incremental, analogue and linear output formats Simple installation The RM22 can be used in a wide range of applications including marine, medical, print, converting, industrial automation, metal working, motor control and instrumentation. Product range RM22AC Analogue with a single sine /cosine cycle per revolution Incremental with 80 to 2,048 pulses per revolution (320 to 8,192 counts per revolution with x 4 evaluation) RM22SC Synchro serial interface (SSI) with 320 to 8,192 positions per revolution RM22Vx Linear voltage output in a ran
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Storage and handling IMPORTANT: Power to RM22 encoders must be supplied from a DC SELV supply complying with the essential requirements of EN (IEC) 60950 or similar specification. The RM22 series encoders have been designed to the relevant EMC standards, but must be correctly integrated to achieve EMC compliance. In particular, attention to shielding arrangements is critical. Connections Encoder Inner shield Pin 1 D’ type connector - 9 way Outer shield Wire colour Wire colour Shield - see connection diagram Wire colour Shield - see connection diagram Wire colour Shield - see connection...
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Dimensions Dimensions and tolerances in mm Radial cable exit 12.5 * Hole diameter for nominal shaft size. Axial cable exit Clockwise (CW) rotation of magnetic actuator. Installation drawing Ø** M3 × 4 grub screw Magnetic actuator Magnet Encoder >R40 Static bend radius ** Nominal shaft size with toleran
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RM22AC – Analogue sinusoidal outputs 2 channels VA VB sinusoids (90° phase shifted, single ended) Power supply Power consumption Single ended Signal amplitude 2.2 ±0.2 Vpp Signal offset (Vref) 2.5 V ±1 % Internal serial impedance Maximum speed Maximum cable length Operating temperature VA leads VB by 90° for clockwise rotation of magnetic actuator. RM22BC – Analogue complementary sinusoidal outputs 2 channels VA and VB differential sinusoids in quadrature (90° phase shifted) Power supply Power consumption Differential Signal amplitude 0.5 ±0.1 Vpp Signal offset (Vref) 0 ±5 mV Internal...
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RM22DC – Absolute natural binary BiSS C interface Timing diagram – BiSS C latch position data Output code Natural binary Power supply Current consumption Clock input Data output Revolution counter value when enabled (see Part numbering/ resolution)* Position inside the revolution (length depends on the resolution) Error data Cyclic redundancy check data; polynomial 0x43; inverted bit output Maximum speed Operating temperature Amplitude error Undervoltage; Configuration; System error Revolution counter * The revolution counter counts the number of mechanical revolutions of the shaft or...
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RM22IC – Incremental, RS422 Square wave differential line driver to RS422 Power supply Power consumption Output signals Maximum speed Maximum cable length Operating temperature Timing diagram Complementary signals not shown 360° x 4 = 1 cycle counts per rev Edge separation Reference impulse B leads A for clockwise rotation of magnetic actuator. Recommended signal termination Encoder Customer electronics Cable Z0 = 120R RM22SC – Absolute binary synchro-serial interface (SSI) Serial encoded absolute position measurement Output code Natural binary Power supply Power consumption Data output...
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RM22Vx – Linear voltage output Alternative for potentiometers Timing diagram Power supply Power consumption Output voltage Output loading Maximum speed Maximum cable length Operating temperature Output type and electrical variant 360° φperiod = Angle covered in one period (one sawtooth) Vperiod = Output voltage range for one period φstep = Step angle (angular movement needed to register a change in the position) Vstep = Output voltage range for one step Nperiod = Number of periods in one revolution Nstep = Number of steps in one period The digital relative angular position information is...
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Part numbering Encoder system Encoder body = Encoder body part number eg RM22SC0009B10A1B00 Magnetic actuator RM22 SC 00 09B 10 A 1 B 00 Output type AC - Analogue sinusoidal 2 Vpp BC - Analogue complementary sinusoidal DC - Absolute natural binary BiSS C, RS422 IC - Incremental, RS422 SC - Absolute binary synchro - serial (SSI), RS422 Vx - Linear voltage: Special requirements 00 - No special requirements (standard) 0M - Cable length in meters Environment and material B - IP64, Aluminium body (standard) C - IP68, Aluminium body J - IP68, Stainless steel body (for Body style 1 only) Linear...
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Head office RLS Merilna tehnika d. o. o. Poslovna cona Žeje pri Komendi Pod vrbami 2 SI-1218 Komenda Slovenia T +386 1 5272100 E mail@rls.si www.rls.si Document issues Issue Corrections made Storage and handling, connections added Axial cable exit drawing added Linear voltage power consumption updated, Parallel output removed Parallel output and extended operating temperature range removed, magnetic actuator ordering info and special option 0M added Data sheet design updated Resolution amended DC output wire color amended, revolution counter added This product is not designed or intended...
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