Group: Friedhelm Loh Group

Catalog excerpts

The future is a shared future, and a task we must tackle together. We must meet this challenge with verve and zest, by paving the way for dynamic and positive development worldwide. We must also ensure that we utilise the planets resources without overexploiting them. This Rittal Catalogue 32 clearly outlines the way ahead to a promising future: The combination of global success and innovations has opened up new paths, and will continue to do so in future! Global = Faster, better, more efficient. > 2 size="-1">
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Rittals corporate principles. We must be faster and better than our competitors. We must prove this competitive lead to our customers on a daily basis. > 3 size="-1">
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We believe that close collaboration with our customers is a key source of Rittal 5 x i Power for the future. Our successful formula for scaling new heights is: 1. Information Faster, because we are always up-to-date2. Identification ֖ Your requirements are at the heart of everything we do3. Internationalism Wherever in the world you happen to be, our products and services are nearby4. Innovations ֖ Focussing on opportunities and developments that will benefit our customers5. Investment Unsurpassed quality translates into maximum benefits. Global = faster, better, and more efficient ֖ thanks...
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Information Faster, because we are always up-to-date > Knowledge is more than just information. Knowledge is know-how and expertise. Knowledge must be made available for universal use, since it is the only resource which multiplies as it is shared. In order to utilise knowledge productively, however, we must be attuned to the customer֒s way of thinking. Understanding the customers requirements is vital. Only in this way does knowledge become a productive factor. And only in this way are we able to offer customers our pioneering solutions. Using knowledge to achieve more. > 6 size="-1">
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Rittals corporate principles. Targeted cooperation between all our staff is one of our principal assets. > R 7 size="-1">
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Identification Better through partnership > Connections and solutions ֖ two terms which are closely interlinked. Our principal ally in any business relationship is you, the customer.With this in mind, we work not just for you, but with you, to find joint solutions. Our philosophy is based on partnerships, rather than customer/supplier relationships. Winning trust and forging close alliances help us to find the best solutions. Close alliances for far-reaching solutions. > 8 size="-1">
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Rittals corporate principles. We view our customers as partners who determine the success of our company: Ң We must find solutions to our cus-tomers requests and problems, because our customers are our livelihood and our safeguard for the future! Ң Our products must offer clear advantages and benefits for the customers, particular with regard to quality, engineering, range and availability. > R 9 size="-1">
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Internationalism Faster through proximity > For us, customer orientation is not enough. We place the customer at the heart of everything we do. This means being close at hand for our cus-tomers, with short response and delivery times from all Rittal locations. It also means quality in the form of fast service. But for us, customer proximity is more than just a local presence: We see it as a continuous exchange with our customers, working as partners to identify com- mon objectives leading to joint solutions. Putting customers in context ֖ and at the heart of everything we do. > Rittals...
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Innovations Fresh opportunities for our customers > A passion for technology is one of our distin-guishing features. It accounts for the enthusiasm we devote to improving even the most minor tech-nical details. We take our lead from some of the astonishing ideas found in nature. The trick is to recognise them. Finding the right solutions for a fascinating future is our passion, and the force that drives us. Not least, it enables us to demonstrate genuine enthusiasm to our customers, time and time again. Ideas from Mother Nature֒s treasure trove. > 12 size="-1">
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Rittals corporate principles. Our ideas and creativity safeguard our competitive lead; we must con-stantly search for new inspiration and ideas, and implement these in a consistent and professional manner! > R 13 size="-1">
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Rittals corporate principles. We are aware of our responsibility to the environment and the world in which we live. We want to help structure and improve them. > 14 size="-1">
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Innovations viewed through the eyes of our customers > We channel a great deal of energy into the deve-lopment of energy-saving systems. Today, sustainability is the guiding principle of our corporate actions. Bionics teaches us that the most efficient energy source is to be sparing in the use of all available resources. In other words, saving energy without any loss of performance. Let֒s make the best possible use of our resources so that together, we can keep things greenӔ. Energy from the infinite power of nature. > R 15 size="-1">
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Investment Maximising Total Benefit of Usership (TBU) with a holistic approach > As we see it, the bottom line is more than just the end result. We have developed our own special formula: the TBU factor ֖ or Total Benefit of User-ship. This enables us to offer customers a brand new dimension in holistic thinking and action. The buzzwords are: Complex system solutions, process acceleration, and value-added service. All the one-stop benefits and advantages avail-able worldwide are visible at a glance, thanks to the new Rittal Catalogue. The solution lies in the principle. > 16 size="-1">
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R Rittals corporate principles. We concentrate all our energies towards perfect and economic pro-duction, professional marketing and reliable delivery. > 17 size="-1">
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Success does not happen by itself. It is the result of perfect and intelligent inter-actions, coupled with a focus on decisive synergy effects. This is what makes a winner. You too can share in the vast benefits of Rittal International, with its unique spectrum of expertise, and outstanding market achievements in IT and industry. Be part of this success. Reap the rewards of an established top team. > ● Rittal State-of-the-art packaging for controllers and IT in the fields of industry, transport technology, medical technology and communi-cation > ֢ Litcos Business continuity management,...
Open the catalog to page 18All RITTAL catalogs and technical brochures
220 Pages
Rittal After Sales Service
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Optimise wire processing
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Rittal Automation Systems
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TS 8 Lock systems
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Network enclosures TE 8000
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Efficient Liquid Cooling
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Rittal International Service
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Archived catalogs
Security rooms for data centres
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TS IT technik im Detail
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TS IT Umstellhife
16 Pages
Support arm system CP 60/120/180
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Terminal boxes HD
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System consulting
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RiMatrix S-Make IT easy
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IT infrastructures
78 Pages
Connector gland
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Industry solutions
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IT Catalogue 2007
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Energy efficiency by design
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120 Pages
148 Pages
TopTherm chiller
6 Pages
TopTherm fan-and-filter unit
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Connector gland
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Monitor/keyboard unit
2 Pages
Hygienic Design
20 Pages