RLK 603 series


Catalog excerpts

RLK 603 series - 1

Shrink Discs RLK 603 three-part design high torque capacity Features • Hightorquecapacity • Transmissibletorqueof25Nmupto 1460000Nm • Tighteningofclampingscrewswitha torquewrench • Easydisassemblywithoutjackingscrews • Centresthehollowshaftorhubtotheshaft • Forhollowshaftsorhubswithouter diametersof14mmupto500mm Application example Backlash free connection of a cardan shaft flange to a machine shaft with a Shrink Disc RLK603.Thebacklashfreeconnectionreduces the risk of fretting corrosion. As a result, the connection can be easily disassembled even afterlongperiodsofoperation. Transmissible torques and axial forces Thetransmissibletorquesoraxialforceslistedon thefollowingthreepagesaresubjecttothefollowingtolerances,surfacecharacteristicsandmaterialrequirement.Pleasecontactusinthecase ofdeviations. Tolerances dw > mm 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250 315 400 Other fits may be selected, provided the joint clearancebetweentheshaftandthehollowshaft remainswithintheindicatedranges. Surfaces Average surface roughness at the contact surfacesbetweentheshaftandthehollowshaft Rz =10…25µm. Materials Thefollowingapplytotheshaftandthehollow shaft: • Yieldstrength Re ≥340N/mm2 • E-module ca.206kN/mm2 Simultaneous transmission of torque and axial force The transmissible torques M which are shown inthetablesapplyforaxialforcesF=0kNand conversely,theindicatedaxialforcesFapplyto torquesM=0Nm.Iftorqueandaxialforceareto betransmittedsimultaneously,thetransmissible torque and the transmissible axial force are reduced.Pleaserefertothetechnicalpointson page31.

Open the catalog to page 1
RLK 603 series - 2

Shrink Discs RLK 603 three-part design high torque capacity Shrink Disc released Shrink Disc clamped 21-1 Articlenumber Weight

Open the catalog to page 2
RLK 603 series - 3

Shrink Discs RLK 603 three-part design high torque capacity Shrink Disc released Shrink Disc clamped 22-1 Articlenumber Weight

Open the catalog to page 3
RLK 603 series - 4

Shrink Discs RLK 603 three-part design high torque capacity Shrink Disc released Shrink Disc clamped 23-1 Articlenumber Weight

Open the catalog to page 4

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