

Catalog excerpts


SUSTAINABILITY REPORT The commitment of Ring Mill S.p.A. for a sustainable future

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01 INTRODUCTION Letter to Stakeholder 1.1 Methodology 02 THE COMPANY 2.1 The History 2.2 Mission, vision e values 2.3 Worldwide presence 2.4 SDGs 2.5 Model 231 2.6 Code of Ethics 2.7 Sustainability committee 03 FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 3.1 Corporate governance 3.2 Organization chart 3.3 Turnover and Markets 3.4 Customers 3.5 Suppliers 3.6 Quality policy 3.7 Quality certificates 04 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 4.1 The policy of environmental sustainability 4.2 Emissions and climate change 4.3 Renewable energy and green transition 4.4 Raw materials 4.5 Water resources 4.6 Waste and scrap...

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“A History of values, a future of innovation” – Ring Mill Sustainability Report 2023

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TO STAKEHOLDER We are pleased to present you the first Sustainability Management Report, demonstrating what has been done in the 45-year history of Ring Mill S.p.A. A fantastic journey. Looking back, seeing where we started and where the company is today, the goals we have achieved and those on the future horizon makes us proud, but also makes us realize more and more how much responsibility this history entails. We have always believed in a reality and in actions characterized by the most stringent professional ethics, setting ourselves the task of looking ahead, building on all that we...

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1.1 METHODOLOGY The data and information required to prepare this first Sustainability Report were collected through organized interviews with the various specialists and managers of Ring Mill S.p.A.: the structure was therefore involved at all levels in the drafting of this document, each according to their areas of competence. Management, Human Resources, the Quality Department, the HSE department with its RSPP, the company’s legal manager and the Supervisory Board were all involved. The process of collecting information on specific areas required the involvement of several company...

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The values on which the activity of Ring Mill S.p.A. is based are: Malaysia - Singapore China India South Korea Russia Kazakhstan Iran Turkey Austria, CZ, Poland, Italy Ring Mill S.p.A. is embracing innovation and focusing on the future with the necessary oversight of its customers’ strategy and “ESG agenda”. Being a recognized industry leader does not only mean producing responsibly and making integrated solutions available to the market, but above all it means being a multi-cultural organization focused on people, ensuring a safe and proactive working environment, focused on production...

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2.4 SDGs The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are contained in the United Nations 2030 Agenda to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. These are 17 linked goals, each of which has a series of targets, for which Ring Mill S.p.A reports both in their daily activities and in their improvement and development plans. QUALITY EDUCATION AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Ensure quality, equal and inclusive education and promote opportunities for lifelong learning for all. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems for all. GENDER EQUALITY DECENT WORK...

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2.5 231 MODEL Since 2008 Ring Mill S.p.A. has adopted the Organization and Management Model 231, pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 (Articles 6 and 7). The model identifies a set of protocols designed to remove the company from liability for administrative offences, such as offences against public administration and IT, corporate, environmental or tax. Through the preparation of efficient control procedures and appropriate internal monitoring strategies to reduce risks, Ring Mill S.p.A. identifies Model 231 as an effective tool for contrasting risk situations and the commission of...

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Governance means the implementation of a corporate structure that, through precise protocols, procedures and a training plan for staff, ensures the implementation of the company’s ESG policies. The company organization of Ring Mill S.p.A. is divided into different areas of competence, each reporting to a contact person and all reporting to the management and, eventually, to the Board of Directors. This structure guarantees the effective transfer of guidelines to the entire structure and the punctual sharing of company objectives, while maintaining the margins of autonomy resulting from the...

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In the last three years, Ring Mill S.p.A. has seen a clear increase in turnover, confirming the process of globalization and market diversification and maintaining the long-term customer relationships. The satisfaction of the customer and his needs is the first objective of our daily business. The focus on the customer is, on the other hand, one of the fundamental values of the company’s Quality Policy, which underlines how every aspect of customer interaction, offers the opportunity to create more added value. Business resources work with this awareness and in this direction, trying where...

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3.5 SUPPLIERS The organization manages relations with its stakeholders in a way that optimizes their impact on its performance; in particular, the management of relations with the suppliers and partners network is considered crucial. ITALY Suppliers As far as foreign suppliers are concerned, amounting to about 5% of the total, they all come from the European Community area. Foreign raw materials come from the Czech Republic and Germany, from the last mentioned also some equipment such as presses. All Ring Mill S.p.A. suppliers are audited by an internal quality auditor and, if all aspects...

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4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY POLICY Ring Mill S.p.A. is determined to consolidate its position as a responsible and reliable manufacturer of rolled and forged steel products capable of adapting and responding competently to changes in the economic and social environment. The topics of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘climate change’ represent the major challenges of our time and the Organization is aware that its specific contribution to these challenges lies in: • protect the health and safety of its staff; • prevent pollution and protect the environment; • use energy resources...

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All Ringmill S.p.A. catalogs and technical brochures

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