RIGCHINA - Shearometer Kit RSK-5 & RSK-20 | used for determining the gel strength of drilling muds.
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Instruction Manual (Zhejiang, CHINA) …Quality is Everything... PHONE: +86-579-87537698(Switchboard) EMAIL: sales@rigchina.com URL: www.rigchina.com FAX: +86-579-87537698 MOBILE PHONE: +86-13819904200 MSN:rigchina@hotmail.com ADD: NO.80-82, QIUDE RD, WEST CHENG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, YONGKANG, ZHEJIANG, CHINA
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1. Summary Shearometer Kit of drilling fluid measures magnitude of strengthen of grid structure,i.e. static shear force, which caused by attraction and bonding among many clay grains.It is the force that can break grid structure of drilling fluid per unit area. Initial and terminal shear force measured are all significative for drilling and protecting hole. 2. Model: RSK-5 & RSK-20 3. The major technical parameters of the instrument The major technical parameters of the instrument are listed in the following table. ITEM Name Technical parameter Inner diameter: Φ35.56mm1.4 1 Floating pontoon...
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Cup of drilling fluid Fluted sunk screw floating pontoon staff gauge rod staff gauge Roundhead screw (2) Working principles Stir measured drilling fluid to symmetric suspension,and then pouring it into cup of drilling fluid.Measuring initial shear force of drilling fluid in one minute by its free subsidence in floating pontoon. Pouring symmetric drilling fluid into the cup again and keeping fluid still 10 minutes. Then,measuring initial shear force of drilling fluid again. 5. The operation of instrument: [1]Fit stand-by appication floating pontoon (3) into the bottom of cup of drilling...
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Rigchinci GCCLP maintained and cleaned. Avoid causing deformation of components that can influence accuracy and usage of the instrument. (4)Ensure that staff gauge is vertical to drilling fluid level. (5)Floating pontoon should be kept clean,intact and indeformable. (6)Measured data is accurate only when floating pontoon lightly touch drilling fluid level before it falling down freely. (7) Shearometer parts should be cleaned and dried after use. CALCULATE SHEAR STRENGTH FROM NOMOGRAPH OR FORMULA <W] IS TOTAL WEIGHT, IN GRAMS AFTER TUBE STOPS For identification of item numbers refer to PARTS...
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This weight is 20 grams. C. Starting with a small gram weight from the weight set, add gram weights until the tube starts to sink into the sample. The tube will stop its downward motion at the point where the shear strength of the gelled sample against the surface of the tube is sufficient to support the applied weight. D. Measure the length of the tube exposed above the sample, (3.5-X in inches). Calculate X if the formula on Fig. 6 is to be used. E. The shear strength in pounds per 100 square feet is obtained from the nomograph (Fig. 6) by utilizing the force, in grams, (20 + gram...
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Fig. 6 - NOMOGRAPH FOR CALCULATING SHEAR STRENGTH 16 7. SPECIFICATIONS CELL CELL MATERIAL psig 303 316 SS 303 SS 303 SS 303 SS 316 SS 316 SS 303 SS 316 SS Inconel (600) Incoly 625
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7. The Transportation and Storage of Instrument The transportation and storage of instrument should correspond to the JB/T9329-1999 standard. The product should be stored in the room ventilated. The indoor air cannot contain the impurity which can cause corrosion of parts of instrument. 8. Fault judge and remove (1)FaultA little liquid leaks from the cup of drilling fluid. Cause:Connection screw of the cup of drilling fluid with the bottom of staff gauge rod loosed. Remove:Demount the loosed screw and take out staff gauge rod.Then daub sealing glue on the bottom of rod.Finally,remount and...
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一、概述 钻井液切力计是用来测量钻井液在静止时粘土颗粒之间相互吸引粘结而成的网架结构 的强度大小静切力即破坏钻井液中单位面积上网架结构所需的力切力 测量所得 的初切力和终切力对钻进和护孔都有着很大的意义。 技术参数 内径Φ35.56mm1.4 吋 重量 5g , 20g。 刻度 0—20Pa 盛入钻井液液面应在标尺 0PaN/cm2线 上容量约 500ml 四、仪器的结构与工作原理 一结构钻井液切力计由钻井液杯标尺杆标尺浮筒等组成。 见图 图一浮筒切力计结构图
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二原理将被测钻井液搅拌均匀倒入钻井液杯在浮筒自由下沉的作用下测量 一分钟内的处切力。再将搅拌均匀的钻井液倒入钻井液杯让其静止 10 分钟重新在浮 筒作用下观察其终切力。 七、仪器的运输与储存 仪器的运输与储存应符合于 JB/T9329-1999 标准。产品应储存在通风的室内室内空气 中不含有能引起器件腐蚀的杂质。 八、故障的判定与排除 1、故障将液体倒入钻井液杯中有渗漏现象。 原因尺杆底部与钻井液杯连接螺钉松动。 排除将钻井液杯底部螺钉卸掉取出尺杆将尺杆底部涂上密封胶重新按原样用螺 钉固定将螺钉拧紧。
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九、随机配件、工具、主要零部件及技术文件一览表 随机配件、工具、 一 随机配件、工具 、随机配件 工具 、随机配件、 序号 1 二 主要零部件 、主要零部件 、 三 技术文件 、技术文件 、 序号 1 2 3 使用部位 测量切力
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