RIGCHINA- SAND CONTANT KIT | RSCT-200 | preferred method for sand content determination because of the reliability of the test and simplicity of equipment
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RIGCHINA- SAND CONTANT KIT | RSCT-200  | preferred method for sand content determination because of the reliability of the test and simplicity of equipment - 1

RSCT-200 SAND CONTANT KIT Instruction Manual Quality is Everything... Telephone: 86-579-87537698, 86-13819904200 Fax : 86-579-8753 696 Rev.B Website: http://www.rigchina.com, Email: sales@rigchina.com MSN:rigchina@hotmail.com Address: No.80-82, Qiude Road, West Cheng Industrial Estate, Yongkang city Zhejiang Province, China

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RIGCHINA- SAND CONTANT KIT | RSCT-200  | preferred method for sand content determination because of the reliability of the test and simplicity of equipment - 2

1. Summary This is a simple and reliable apparatus for measuring sand content of drilling fluids effectively and accurately. The method that screen decomposes is used to decide the content of sand. The sand content of drilling fluids is defined as the percent ratio of the volume of sand which can not pass through the screen mesh No. 200, i.e., whose diameter is larger than 0.074 mm, to the volume of the drilling fluid. 2. The main technical parameters of apparatus The major technical parameters of the instrument are listed in the following table. Item Name Technical specification hole size...

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RIGCHINA- SAND CONTANT KIT | RSCT-200  | preferred method for sand content determination because of the reliability of the test and simplicity of equipment - 3

mesh stainless-steel screen with the hole diameter of 0.074 mm in the middle of the filtration tube. The Glass graduated cylinder is a testing cylinder made of glass with the mark of 30ml which is the volume of drilling fluid sample. The percent content of sand can be read out directly because the graduation lines ranged from 0 to 20% are marked on this glass graduated cylinder. The parts of the instrument are listed in the following table: Item Model number lower filtration tube upper filtration tube plastic funnel glass graduated cylinder 5. Operations of the Instrument (1) Fall over a...

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RIGCHINA- SAND CONTANT KIT | RSCT-200  | preferred method for sand content determination because of the reliability of the test and simplicity of equipment - 4

Fig. 2 The operation diagram (4) Read out the value of the volume of sand and insert the value to the following equation after sand precipitates completely: Sand content = [(volume of sand ml) / (volume of the drilling fluid sample in ml)] × 100% 6. The maintenance of the instrument (1) Wash all parts of the instrument with water before testing. (2) Wash all parts of the instrument with clean water, then wipe them up and take care of properly after testing (3) Forbid strictly to use exceptional outside force to the filtration screen in order to avoid making it damage or deform, and...

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