K series helical gearbox catalog


Catalog excerpts

K series helical gearbox catalog - 1

IProduct Introduction QlrtNBZI1L! s&rafeflu Fmvmm— &««=*« j&0io Series Geared Motor is the famous brand in drive field with international advanced level, including R Series Helical Geared Motor, F Series Parallel Shaft-Helical Geared Motor, K Series Helical-Bevel Geared Motor, S Sevies Helical-Worm. # IS Series productsfollowthe philosophy of modularization and optimization, adoptfinite element analysis method and unique lowe r noise technology in designing gear, to insure advanced design. The classification of ratio is so acurate that.Gear profile design for lowe rnoise level. It has millions of combinations to meet varietal demand of customers. The process from the material selection to manufacturing is strictly controled--house is beautiful and rigid casted by precision control,gear isendurable by carburizing.Take the flexible manufacturing control(FMC) in the manufacturing to realize the high precision level and free-maitenabce of products. Our corporation also provides otherproduct options such as combined geared motor, shrink disk, spline hollow shaft, B14flange, please consultourcompanyforfurtherinformation.

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 2

Mft Drive selection data Certain data are essential to specify the components for your drive.These are:

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 3

lililillll Project planning sequence Example The following flowchart diaplays a schematic view of the procedure for planning a project incorporating a positioning drive.The drive comprises a geared motor which is powered by an inverter.

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 4

Efficiency of QZ gear units The efficiency of the gear units is mainly determined by the gearing ,mash and bearing friction. Please note that the starting efficiency of a gear unit is always less than its efficiency at operating speed .This fact is especially obvious in helical-worm right-angle geared motors R.F. KijfilM R. F. K gear units £94%(3M) ~98%(1&) ±\S\o The efficiency of helical.parallel shaft and helical-bevel gear units varies according to the num -ber of gear stages,between 94%(3-stage)and 98%{1-stage). #SfiKTH*a£i The gearing in helical-worm and gear units produces a high...

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 5

SislDi&Rfra, In the first beginning, the given efficiency number should minus a number as follows: S£taa24/J\W£fT, The running-in phase normally lasts 24 hours.Helical-worm gear units achieve their listed rated efficiency values when: * 'M the gear unit has been run in completely the gear unit has reached normal operation temperature the recommended lubricant has been filled in astmsssEKifta&Ertift the gear unit is working within the rated load range Churning losses #i, sift, saanfc*tii«Tiip]Qz»i90 In certain gear unit mounting positions the first reduction stage is completely immersed in...

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 6

Daily operating time in hours/day Starting frequency Z: The cycles include all starting and braking procedures as well as changes from low to high and high to low speed. Load classification HfllftSHS!: Three load classifications are differentiated: Affltttt1!tiipa£*Scsso.2 Uniform,approved mass acceleration factor=£0.2 Moderate shock load,approved mass acceleration factors Severe shock load,approved mass acceleration factor^lO Mass acceleration factor ® 14 JPlISi&ftit The mass acceleration factor is calculated as follows: m m m= A''HTnl^m^1-tS0finerti3 Mass acceleration factor tts Mass...

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 7

QZ service factor:QZ fB The method for determining the maximum approved continuous torque Maxax and then derivin -g the service factor fB=Mamax/Ma is not defined in a standard and varies greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer.With their QZ service factor fb= 1, QZ drives afford an extremely high level of s -afety and reliability in the fatigue strength range(exception: wearing of the worm wheel in helical -worm gear units).Under a certain circumstances,the QZ service factor may not be comparable to the information given details for your specific drive. If there is any questions, please...

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 8

fflffljRSt(-) Service factor(Two) HJlfei&aSaStlSItJJiltttK^rSli!. gfrBffa], S&fBU MthtylStStfB2, S^I^iS[fB3o SPfBI XfB2 xfB3^fBc (fbixfB2xfB3) Gear units are designed under the circumstance of steady load, stated operating time per day and a few sarting times. But the practical condition will be not as perfect as the designed circumstan -ce. So we must confirm driven machine factorfsi, prime mover factor fs2, starting factor fB3 according to actual load type, operating time, starting frequency. Let it less than orequale to the service factor fB of selection table, viz fBi XfB2XfB3^fB. The...

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Qiangzhu K.S.R.R.Series 3l2Table2 J®st4n.K$l Factor for prime mover fB2 313 Table3 IHstiStir Start factor fa3

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 10

Determining overhung load #5Sba#*ftfz5!l:FT*: When determining the overhung load, the type of transmission element mounted onthe shaft end must be comsidered. The transmission element factors fz are listed as follows. The overhung load exerted on the motor or gear shaft is then calculated as follows: FR gfaSiff(N) Overhung load in N Ma Torque in Nm d„ Mean diameter of the mounted transmission element in mm fz ft fib S Transmission element factor Permitted overhung load According the rate service life Lhio of the anti-friction bearings to define the permitted overhung I -oads. Forthe special...

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 11

SiIW50%o Only 50% of the FRa value specified in the selection tables is permitted in mounting position Ml with wall attachment on the front face for K and S gear units. ■ ^TK167^DK187^c®t.mftSSe:aM1-M4W; Helical-bevel geared motors K167 and K187 in mounting positions Ml to M4:If the mounting p -osition is different form the position we offered {M1-M4), the overhung load FRa lasted in the sele -ction tables. Frb£|50%c Foot and ftange-imounted helical geared motors(R..F):A maximum of 50% of the overhung loa -d FRa specified in the selection tables in the case of torque transmission via the...

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K series helical gearbox catalog - 12

ttfSttfiiafir Approved axial loads If there is no overhung load.then an axial load FA(tension or compression) amountion to 50% of the overhung load given in the selection tables is approved.This applies to the following geare -d motors: ■ Mfilfciltiim ( R..137liJ167^h ) Helical geared motors except for R..137...to R..167... ■ ( F97...&£h ) Parallel shaft and helical-bevel geared motors with solid shaft except for F97... Helical-worm geared motors with solid shaft Please contact QZ for all other types of gear units and in the event of significantly greater axial loads or combinations of...

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