Catalog excerpts

Reynard Corporation Custom Coatings ● Optical Fabrication ● Diamond Turning ● Patterned Optics Linear Apodizing Filters Inserting a customizable linear apodizing filter eliminates undesirable intensity variations Linear Apodizing filter, Dark in center APPLICATIONS: • Entertainment: to make light distribution uneven for cosmetic applications. Linear Apodizing filter, Clear in center • Imaging: to break up diffraction patterns by the introduction of soft edges. • Industrial: to eliminate detector saturation that occurs in automatic welding machines. DESCRIPTION: The Linear Apodizing filters are used to eliminate undesirable intensity variations in optical systems such as in spectrometers. Inserting a Linear Apodizing filter in front of a detector can be used as a soft slit to reduce diffraction patterns, eliminate detector saturation and obtain a uniform light intensity to the detector. Linear Apodizing filters are customizable density gradient filters that have constant density in one direction and variable neutral density filter in the other direction. Linear Apodizing Filters come in two configurations: Dark in center: The Linear apodizing filter function decreases in density linearly from a dark center, where light is usually at its peak intensity, to the outside edge, where it can become completely transparent. Clear in center: The Linear apodizing filter function increases in density linearly from a clear or light center to a darker outside edge. • Military: to eliminate IR detector saturation in ground to-air and air-to-air missiles. • Photography: to create soft edges in photos & reduce over exposed areas. • Scientific: used as a variable phase plate when the gradient coating material has the same index of refraction as the substrate. • Semiconductor: used in exposing systems to obtain perfect illumination distribution. Contact us to see how we can help your system achieve the highest levels of performance of your application. We will assist you in specifying the Linear Apodizer filter to your needs. www.reynardcorp.com ISO 9001:2015 Certified ● ITAR Registered ● Cy
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The distribution functions can be defined by either density (D) or transmission (T). These functions can range from a simple linear equation to much more complex algebraic, exponential, or geometric functions as shown below: Trigonometric Function Filters Polynomial Function Filters Guassian Function Filters 0 Pupil Position (normalized) Pupil Position (normalized) Pupil Position (normalized) Examples of Custom Linear Apodizing density gradients TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS (custom options available): Property Value Substrate Materials: BK-7 or other substrate materials Optical Density Gradient:...
Open the catalog to page 2All Reynard Corporation catalogs and technical brochures
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