Ultrafast Pump Optics


Catalog excerpts

Ultrafast Pump Optics - 1

precision optical solutions Covering the full spectrum of your photonics needs. Ultrafast Laser Pump Mirrors Optimized for Negative GDD These ultrafast dichroic pump mirrors are designed to support cutting edge performance in femtosecond titanium:sapphire (Ti:S) lasers. This is achieved through the use of thin lm coatings that generate negative group delay dispersion (GDD) to compensate for positive GDD caused by other cavity components. These focusing (concave) optics provide broadband performance, delivering >99.7% reectivity over the entire 675 – 1100 nm wavelength range, while also providing high (>98%) transmission at the 532 nm pump wavelength. This broadband reectivity makes these optics ideal for use in virtually any Ti:S oscillator, particularly one-box models. Examples include broadband (very short pulse) oscillators, widely tunable oscillators for microscopy and spectroscopy, and xed wavelength oscillators for seeding ultrafast ampliers. Even if it produces broadband output, a high performance femtosecond laser oscillator’s pulsewidth is often limited by the positive GDD, caused principally by the transmissive optics in the laser cavity, including the Ti:S crystal itself. This can be partially offset by the use of reective cavity optics with negative GDD. These enhanced pump mirrors from REO typically deliver up to 100 fs2 of negative GDD. In addition they are designed for minimum Third Order Dispersion (TOD) to further simplify the laser designer’s task of achieving the shortest possible transform-limited pulsewidth. These spherical mirrors are offered with a radius of curvature of 10 cm, 15 cm or 50 cm, with ats and other radius values available upon request. Standard diameters are 7.75 mm (0.3 in.), 12.75 mm (0.5 in.) and 19 mm (0.75 in.). Typical Specications Surface quality Size range Clear Aperture Temperature range Group Delay Dispersion Third Order Dispersion TOD (fs3) High reectance wavelength range Substrate Material

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