Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches
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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 1

Freewheels Sprag and Trapped Roller Clutches Overrunning • Indexing • Backstopping Superior Freewheel Technology

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 2

Strength through Service Renold Gears has been manufacturing high quality, high specification gear units for over 100 years and has always been at the leading edge of gear technology with innovative products and power transmission solutions. Interchangeability Many of the products from Renold Gears are dimensionally interchangeable with other manufacturers gear units, allowing a trouble free replacement of gearboxes, in most cases upgrading the capacity through state of the art technology and materials. Custom Made Renold Gears is unique in it’s ability to offer custom made products...

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 3

Contents Page No Renold Sprag Clutches Renold Clutches & Couplings Company Profile Sprag Clutch General Specification Sprag Clutch Product Features Typical Applications Examples of Sprag Clutch Mounting Arrangements USA Bore & Shaft Sizes and Tolerances Pictorial Content Indexing - Overrunning - Backstopping Selection of Sprag Clutches - Ratings Table SA Series Sprag Clutch SB Series Sprag Clutch SO/SX Series Sprag Clutch Stub Shaft Adaptors Sprag Clutch Flexible Couplings DM Series Sprag Clutch Sprag Clutch Holdbacks Sprag Clutch Holdback - Selections SH Series Sprag Clutch Holdbacks SH...

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 4

Renold Clutches & Couplings Renold have been manufacturing Flexible and Rigid Couplings, Sprag and Air Clutches for over 50 years. The Renold Couplings factories are based in three locations, Cardiff and Halifax in the UK and Westfield, NY, USA. Special Solutions and Innovations Clutches & Couplings - Cardiff Renold is recognized throughout the industry for its capability to create specific solutions to customers unique requirements. International companies and industries, from steel to food processing to escalators to textile machinery, have chosen Renold to solve their problems. In 1991...

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 5

Sprag Clutch - General Specification A Sprag Clutch is a freewheel device having an inner race, and an outer race either of which can be the input or output member. The input member can be arranged to drive the output member in a chosen direction and permit the output member to overrun in the same direction. In general, Sprag Clutches are able to transmit greater torques, within given overall dimensions, than other types of freewheel device. SO - SX Series ARO Sprags are fitted into the SO and SX series of Sprag Clutches up to size 700, and assist in resisting the effects of transient...

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 6

Sprag Clutch - Product Features Light Duty Sleeve Bearing Clutch Hardened and ground outer race allowing for maximum power transmission with no loss of motion. Hardened Sprag with a cam profile allowing for maximum torque transmission. Bronze sleeve bearing combining concentricity and long life. Free action retainer allows full positional control of the Sprags for maximum load sharing capacity. Oil seal for lubricant retention allowing minimum downtime. Energizing spring ensuring the Sprags are in full contact at any moment in time, eliminating all motion loss. Ball Bearing General and...

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 7

Sprag Clutch - Typical Applications SO/SX Sprag Clutch used as an overrunning device on a nip roll in a steelwork rolling mill. Speed overrun is often created by the steel being rolled. Sprag Clutch holdbacks are often used on inclined conveyor headshaft drives to prevent runback in the event of a power failure. Theme park rides are popular world wide, but safety is of major importance. Sprag Clutches are used on the headshaft drive to prevent back-driving at all times during the ride. SLH Sprag Clutch backstop on an apron feed conveyor in an iron ore mining plant in Canada. Mobile crane...

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Typical Sprag Clutch Mounting Arrangements SA Series SO/SX Series Sleeve bearing clutch with gear mounted on outer race hub. Ball bearing clutch with gear mounted and bolted to face of clutch. SB Series SO/SX Series Sleeve bearing clutch with sheave mounted on outer race hub. Clutch with reservoir, torque arm and auxiliary seal with bolt and retaining plate. SCPF Series SCGF Series Sprag Clutch and Pinflex Flexible Coupling. Sprag Clutch and Gearflex Coupling combination. 8

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American Standard Bore and Shaft Tolerances American Inch Sizes American Inch Sizes The above are suggested shaft tolerances only. Please confirm the proposed shaft tolerance at order stage.

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Sprag Clutch - Indexing and Overrunning SO/SX Series Clutches Flanged Stubshaft Adaptor SCPF Series Coupling SCGF Series Coupling DM Series Clutches Max torque 9660 Nm - 7120 Ib.ft. Max torque 9660 Nm - 7120 Ib.ft Max torque 3417 Nm - 2520 Ib.ft Max bore 175 mm - 6.875 in Max bore 145 mm-5.7 in Maxshaftdia. 101.6 mm - 4.0 in Max overrunning speed 3600 RPM Max overrunning speed 3600 RPM Max overrunning speed 1800 RPM Page No: 30 Page No: 30 Page No: 34

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 11

Sprag Clutch - Backstops SH Longlife Large Bore Holdback Clutches Max torque 759300 Nm - 560000 lb.ft. Max bore 500mm - 20.0 in Page No: 40 Enhanced Seal Backstop Max torque 759300 Nm - 560000 lb.ft. Max bore 500mm - 20.0 in Page No: 46 Alternative Holdback Torque Arm Designs Page No: 44 Torque Limiter Clutches Max torque 759300 Nm - 560000 lb.ft. Max bore 500 mm - 20.0 in Page No: 48 Tension Release Mechanisms Page 49 11

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 12

Sprag Clutch - Overrunning-Indexing-Backstopping There are three basic applications for the Sprag Clutch. • Overrunning • Indexing • Backstopping or Holdback. In overrunning and backstopping applications, one race of the clutch is required to run at a faster speed than the other. It is suggested that the inner race is always the one that runs at high speed and the outer race at the lower speed. Throughout this catalog we show the maximum running speeds of both inner and outer races of all the Renold Sprag Clutch types. OVERRUNNING INDEXING BACKSTOPPING Overrunning applications often can be...

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Freewheels - Sprag & Trapped Roller Clutches - 13

Sprag Clutch - Overrunning - Indexing - Backstopping Overrunning As shown, the clutch transmits power during the low speed running cycle, the high speed motor acting as a counter shaft and transmitting power to the main drive gear unit. High Speed Main Motor During the high speed cycle the overrunning clutch permits the low speed motor to be stationary. Overrunning Clutch Low Speed Geared Motor Indexing (inching) The use of a Sprag Clutch enables indexing motion with accuracy and infinite graduations - limited only by the precision of other components of the mechanism. Backstopping...

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