GODDARD catalogue


Catalog excerpts

GODDARD catalogue - 2

Top Entry: This valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top Soft Seated: PCTFE Seat provides a virtually bubble tight seal and is replaceable Construction: Stainless steel body and bonnet Sizes: ݔ - 6 (15mm - 150mm) Ends: RF Flange, Butt weld, Socket weld, Threaded (FNPT) Service: Liquified and vaporized atmospheric gases, LNG Temperature Rating: -325԰F - 150F (-196аC +65C) Pressure Rating: (Cold, Non-shock)Class 150 valve - 275 PSIG (19 bar) Class 300 valve - 720 PSIG (50 bar)н - 6Ԕ Class 150PED Approved, Approved for US and Canada ݔ - 6 Class 300 PED Approved,...

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GODDARD catalogue - 4

Raised Face Flange Ends* > SizeAӔ 150#AӔ 300#BӔDӔKӔXӔYӔ Max. Open Max.Open Max.Open 1 *Face-to-face dimensions (A) are Goddard standard not to ANSI standard. Vented Body and Bonnet Ԣ׏ Special B,K,X & Y Dimensions Available ● Unless otherwise specified, Schedule 10 weld ends are supplied Vented Body and Bonnet ● Special B,K,X & Y Dimensions Available Socket Weld Ends > SizeAӔ 150#AӔ 300#BӔDӔEӔFӔKӔXӔYӔ ݔ > 3 ޔ > 3 ޔ > 17 ޔ > 4 ݔ > .855 ⅜ > 12 Ծ > 11 Ԕ11 116 ⅜ > Ծ > 3 Ծ > 3 Ծ > 17 Ծ > 4 Խ > 1.065 Խ > 12 Ծ > 11 Ԕ11 116 ⅜ > 1Ԕ3 ݔ > 417 Ծ > 4 Խ > 1.330 Խ > 12 Ծ > 11 Ԕ11 116 ⅜ > 1 Խ > 4 Ԣŝ > 5Ԕ21...

Open the catalog to page 4
GODDARD catalogue - 5

Top Entry: This valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top Soft Seated: PCTFE Seat provides a virtually bubble tight seal and is replaceable Construction: Stainless steel body and bonnet Sizes: ݔ - 6 (15mm - 150mm) Ends: RF Flange, Butt weld, Socket weld, Threaded (FNPT) Service: Liquified and vaporized atmospheric gases, LNG Temperature Rating: -325԰F - 150F (-196аC +65C) Pressure Rating: (Cold, Non-shock)Class 150 valve - 275 PSIG (19 bar) Class 300 valve - 720 PSIG (50 bar)н - 4Ԕ Class 150PED Approved, Approved for US and Canada ݔ - 4 Class 300 PED Approved,...

Open the catalog to page 5
GODDARD catalogue - 6

150# Part Number300# Part NumberValve SizeEndsWeightEstimated CVInchesMMLbs.KgGS-00210W-4S3GS-00210W-4S3 ݔ15 mmSocket Weld156.803.90 GS-00210W-4T3GS-00210W-4T3 ݔ15 mmThreaded156.803.90 GS-00210W-6S3GS-00210W-6S3 ޔ20 mmSocket Weld156.807.10 GS-00210W-6T3GS-00210W-6T3 ޔ20 mmThreaded156.807.10 GS-00210W-8S3GS-00210W-8S3 125 mmSocket Weld156.8011.50 GS-00210W-8T3GS-00210W-8T3 1Ԕ25 mmThreaded156.8011.50 GS-00210W-12S3GS-00210W-12S3 1ݔ40 mmSocket Weld2511.3429.00 GS-00210W-16W3AGS-00210W-16W3A 250 mmButt Weld SCH103515.8840.00 GS-00210W-16W3JGS-00210W-16W3J 2Ԕ50 mmButt Weld SCH403515.8840.00...

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GODDARD catalogue - 7

7Ԕ1512Ծ13 Ԕ > 116 Max.Open Max.Open Max.Open Max.Open 17ݔ43ޔ1833 Ԕ28 29 Ԕ > 316 1316 316 ∆ For SCH. 40 A=12ݔӨ For SCH. 40 A=14 * Unless otherwise specified, SOH 10 weld ends are supplied SizeAӔ BӔDӔEӔFӔKӔXӔYӔ SizeTӔ - NPTAӔ BӔDӔKӔXӔYӔ 5ޔ18⅛5Ԕ12ޔ11 11ԢŜ 116 Vented body and bonnet. Special B,K,X & Y dimensions available.

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GODDARD catalogue - 8

Top Entry: Rugged stainless steel * soft seated cryogenic globe valve. This valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top Soft Seated: PCTFE Seat provides a virtually bubble tight seal. Stem/Globe assembly is replaceable Construction: One piece investment cast bonnet eliminates welded joint in topworks Stem Packing: Proprietary Goddard system utilizing GRAFOIL** flexible graphite Sizes: μ through 1Խ (6mm through 40mm) Ends: Socket weld, Butt weld Service: Liquified and Gaseous hydrogen service only (see series 232 for non-hydrogen service) Temperature Rating:...

Open the catalog to page 8
GODDARD catalogue - 11

Top Entry: Rugged stainless steel * soft seated cryogenic globe valve. This valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top Soft Seated: PCTFE Seat provides a virtually bubble tight seal. Stem/Globe assembly is replaceable Construction: One piece investment cast bonnet eliminates welded joint in topworks. Sizes: ݔ through 1ݔ (15mm through 40mm) Ends: Socket weld and Butt weld Service: Liquified and vaporized atmospheric gases, LNG Temperature Rating: -325F to 150аF (-198C to +65аC) Pressure Rating: (Cold, Non-shock)300 PSIG (20 Bar) 400 PSIG (27 Bar)*Stainless steel...

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GODDARD catalogue - 12

Part NumberValve size InchesValve Size mmEndsWeight Lbs.Weight Kgs.Estimated CvS-000232-4S4 ݔ15 mmSocket Weld6 lbs.2.72 Kgs.3.90 S-000232-8S4 125 mmSocket Weld10 lbs.4.54 Kgs.10.50 >

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GODDARD catalogue - 14

Top Entry: This union bonnet valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top Soft Seated: PCTFE Seat provides a virtually bubble tight seal and is replaceable in solid wedge types. *310 & 310X Series only Sizes: ݔ - 3 (15mm - 80mm) Construction: Ends: Threaded (FNPT), Sil Braze Tube (SBT), or with stainless steel pipe nipples brazed in Bronze cast body and bonnet Rugged construction for long life Straight through design for high CV Designed with unique KOLD-SEALԙ Standard split wedge design provides better sealing and cycle life Service: Liquified and vaporized...

Open the catalog to page 14
GODDARD catalogue - 15

Part NumberNPT Size InchesNPT Size mmEndsWeight Lbs.Weight Kgs.Estimated CVB-000306-6T6 ޔ20Threaded2.251.0036.00 B-000306-8T6 125Threaded3.001.4060.80 B-000306-12T6 1Խ40Threaded6.002.70152.00 B-000306-16T6 2Ԕ50Threaded9.504.30245.00 > Part NumberNPT Size InchesNPT Size mmEndsWeight Lbs.Weight Kgs.Estimated CVB-000310-20T 2ݔ65Threaded14.506.60372.00 B-000310-24T 380Threaded22.0010.00588.00 Part NumberSBT Size Inches *SBT Size mm *EndsWeight Lbs.Weight Kgs.Estimated CVB-000310-24S 3Ԕ80Silver Braze22.0010.00588.00 > *Nominal Size Part NumberNPT Size InchesNPT Size mmEndsWeight Lbs.Weight...

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GODDARD catalogue - 17

Top Entry: This union bonnet valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top Sizes: ݔ - 3 (15mm - 80mm) Construction: Ends: Threaded (FNPT), Sil Braze Tube (SBT), Silver Brazed Pipe (SBP) or with stainless steel pipe nipples brazed in Bronze cast body and Internals Rugged construction for long life Straight through construction for high CV Designed with unique KOLD-SEALԙ Standard split wedge design provides better sealing and cycle life Service: Liquified and vaporized atmospheric gases, LNG Temperature Rating: -325F - 150аF (-196C + 65аC) Pressure Rating: (Cold,...

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GODDARD catalogue - 18

Part NumberNPT Size InchesNPT Size mmEndsWeight Lbs.Weight Kgs.Estimated CVB-000322-20T4 2ݔ65 mmThreaded19.008.64372.00 B-000322-24T4 380 mmThreaded28.00121.73588.00 Part NumberSBT Size Inches*SBT Size mmEndsWeight Lbs.Weight Kgs.Estimated CVB-000322-4S4 Խ15 mmSilver Braze1.750.8019.80 B-000322-6S4 Ծ20 mmSilver Braze2.251.0236.00 B-000322-8S4 1Ԕ25 mmSilver Braze3.501.5960.80 B-000322-12S4 1ݔ40 mmSilver Braze7.503.41152.00 B-000322-16S4 250 mmSilver Braze11.255.11245.00 B-000322-20S4 2Խ65 mmSilver Braze17.007.73372.00 B-000322-24S4 3Ԕ80 mmSilver Braze24.0010.91588.00 > *Nominal Size

Open the catalog to page 18

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