Catalog excerpts

ImpactTuff New! The Patented ImpactTuff Spherical Plain Bearing Improves Rsistance To Shock Loads by 300Jg. Engineering Bener Bearings For Confident Pe DESIGNING FOR RELIABILITY In many ruggcd applications wbero suDstantial impact loads are common. spherical plain bearings can break and chip, edting to tho high cost of warrantes. In particular. suspension cemponents in otl highway construction vehicles have been subject to abuse from impacting rocks or abrupt terrain changes. CMten, the resuit is broken bearings. Machinery repair is costfy. Downtime is even costlien J Conlroilinq impact breakage s a growing concem as equipment users expect higher levels of perormance Our engineers doveloped most ol the design and manulacturing innovations being use in the spherical plain bearing industry They addressed Ihis new challenge with a cr黩ative dedicatoon that resuled in a unique, patented sdution. How do we develcp a break rsistant bearing without compromising wear properties? Producing bearings using softer. more ductile materials can control breakage during use. Yei softer steel will wear at an accelerated rate. So. we looked at combining the impact rsistant properties ot ductile steel with the wear r驩sistance ol harder steel Additionalty. we had to design ths producl and retain our ability to errploy traclured outer ring manulacturing technology. How do we (raclure using a ductile material solution'' BEARINGS Phone (609) 882 5050 Fax (609) 882-5533 www. ibctHarings.com
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Cutie force On "through ha-dene <Tcontinu頩e throuflh entlre bt;i ri r g «teino total frrakMt. m Engineering Botter Bearings For Confident Performance ■MM fracture Standard SPB's are made from through-hardered 52100 steel. Ttiis steel is highly rsistant to wear and facilittes the fractured outer ring manufacturing technology. But, il is sornewhat brittle and reduces r颩sistance to breakage from impact. RBC's ImpatfTuff SPB's are f ^ ^ made from cartxJrized 8620 stool. By using this material ^^^^^^ HBC onginoers are abe to produce a case hardened o<. t or y ^^^^ surlace ofHRc60wWeretaining...
Open the catalog to page 2All RBC Bearings catalogs and technical brochures
G Series
1 Pages
DPP, DPP-W series
1 Pages
MS 21428/MB500DD
1 Pages
DSRP, GDSRP series
1 Pages
36 Pages
Aerospace - Applications
2 Pages
Aerospace Catalog - Plain Bearing
115 Pages
Aerospace Catalog - Rolling Element
152 Pages
MB500 Series
1 Pages
MKP-BS Series
1 Pages
MS27642-S MKP-B Series
1 Pages
MS27641-R MKP-A Series
1 Pages
MS27640-R MKP Series
1 Pages
P Series
1 Pages
K Series
1 Pages
MS27646 B500DD Series
1 Pages
B500 Series
1 Pages
MS27648 KP-BS Series
1 Pages
MS27642 KP-B Series
1 Pages
MS27645 KSP, KSP-A Series
1 Pages
MS27649 AW-AK Series
1 Pages
MS27641 KP-A Series
1 Pages
MS27640 KP Series
1 Pages
Metric Product Line
2 Pages
Military Series
4 Pages
1 Pages
Lubron® Bearing Systems
6 Pages
Fiberglide ® /Fabroid ®
27 Pages
Schaublin - Unibal
51 Pages
Nice Ball Bearings
56 Pages
Thin Section Ball Bearings
153 Pages
Heim Rod Ends and Sphericals
33 Pages
Cam Followers
56 Pages
Spherical Plain Bearings
84 Pages
RBC Line Card
3 Pages
Large Thrust Bearings
4 Pages
2 Pages
Nice Everglide T-Ball
2 Pages
SpreadLock Seal
2 Pages
Large Bearings
2 Pages
Aerospace Catalog - Rolling Element
152 Pages
Archived catalogs
Fiberglide®/ Fabroid®
28 Pages
Tyson Tapered Roller Bearings
16 Pages
Thin Section Ball Bearings
44 Pages
Spherical Plain Bearings
68 Pages
Heim Rod Ends
64 Pages
Ball Bearings Brochure
52 Pages
RBC Roller® Cam Followers
8 Pages