Catalog excerpts
RG1635 Super Trac Jr Selt-Propelied Track Stump Cutter Wright 1.660 1bfV49Ag) Longth Hrtyhl fU?cm) MMh 35* (09 cm) (V oorwl Drive SctfPropftlted HvdraiAc. ? Spwxi Engine Vantard 35 rvp (26 Gasolme urtTank 10 &(378L) Supei looth* 18 ToLd Cutter WTieel rt2$*xV(438cmx2.$cm} Culting Depth 12* (30 ^ cm) C utling HeJght 21" (!tf34cmj C utling Widih 475"<f065cm) Mien yoo need a compact stump cutter wvth thc go-anywhere traction and notation thaͯ onry tratfcs can provide» me Trac Jr is your solution Thls au oew design rrom RAYCO rarses me bar tor compact stump cutters by oflering i smal machine...
Open the catalog to page 5RG70 RG100 RG100R with remote RG100DXH Turbo Diesel Poweredt Tow-Behind Stump Cutter Diesel Powered. Setf-Propelled Stump Cutter RAYCOs Hagship KG/0 and RG100 modcls are Ihc answer rt youre looking lot a tull leature. high powcr backyard stump cutter thse machines teature powertul 66 8 np and 99.2 hp Kubota otese engres wtfh hydrostabc cutter atiee* dnve and RAYCOs Command cm to deliver lop-notcft performance The swing oui control panel provides a good look at the cutbng action wtuie keeptng tne op诩ra*or sale from rtytng dtins The RG100R gives you the added teature or radio remote contrais,...
Open the catalog to page 6n V RG140DXH Turbo Diesel Power&d, Tow-Behlnd Stump Cutter RC6D RC6DV S-inch Capacfty Brush Chippers WetgM I 6.140 US (2785 *g> Length 200' (508 cm) Height j MT (228 6 cm) Width | 86* (218 4 cm) Su^pt nsion Tofflex*axie Engins John Dccrc 404SHF285.4 Cylindcr. 140 np (104 kW( Turtto Diesel Fuel Tank M gai (109.3 L) Super Tooth* 40 lotal Cutter wneel 28* x r (71 1 cm x ? 54 cm) Cuting Depth ?i>" (t>6 cm) Cutting Height 31" (78 7 cm) Cutting Width 1 99 6' (253 cm) longue Extension | 60' (1524 cm> For those seeing maximum horse-power and productMty in a tow be rand stump cutter. RAYCO*$ new...
Open the catalog to page 7RC814 8-inch Cspaclty Brush Chipper RC1220 12-inch Capaerty Brush Chipper VMgN Lerigiri 1 f/* f44&6 cmj Hoighi 86* (224m Widlh \ n i r 11: KUBOTA V1505 44 hp (32 8 kWg .Omet Fuel Tank 11 5galf43 5fJ Chtpparw) CnfMctry fi" f703 tmJDur珙^' Inteed Opening 8* x 14* (20 J cm x 35 0 cm) Intakr Raie Dbtharge K4ghl 88*(223cmJ Rotai ion MT Fe*dWh*el Top Fw.d Whorl 9 25 " (23 5e/nJ IXamctcr Botlom 1 eed Wheel 4"(f0cmJOamefe< WeigM 5.620 Ib (2.549 2 kg) Ltngth 160* M88" (406.4 cm/477 52m) 105* f266 ?cm) Width 78* (198 cm} ngm« RC1220-70 Kubota V3600.66 8 hp (498kW),Draei RC1220-100 Kubota V38QOUI. 'j'j...
Open the catalog to page 8RC1824 tB-nch Capactty Brush Chipper RH1754 HorizontalGrndt VMgN s.MO Va(4,145 83 k0 Length 18/v / 20/ *. (4/6 2!> / b2f OS an) tMght 107" (759 00 on) Std Dncharg* Wldih *&./&"'?'**>. 59 Cfflf F agira» Cummim QSIW 5 130 hp / 160 r*> {W94/f793ﯯAW .Dmel Fuel Tunk 40gal(f5M2U c.tuppncj C&pacity 1cr(4W*"cmJ [>g«nel«f Inteed Opemnq 19' x 2V {4826 cm x 60 96 cm) Intakc Rate lOfi fpm (3? nVmtn) Dcharge Height 102* (259 08 Std Chute Rotation 360* Topl-繁lWlwd Optional bottom TeedWhtel Wrien a chipper leeds betler 11 makes We casier for the operator Tnls was trie objec Hve neid by the HAYCO engineers...
Open the catalog to page 9All RAYCO catalogs and technical brochures
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TR1625 & TR66
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RG70, RG100 & RG100R
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RG1635 Trac Jr
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Mini Work-Force
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Log Splitter LS2526
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Horizontal Grinder RH1754
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