Catalog excerpts
Conveying Systems BUCKET ELEVATOR
Open the catalog to page 1BUCKET ELEVATOR Rise Lentil Chick Pea Other Grains
Open the catalog to page 2BUCKET ELEVATOR RAST Bucket Elevators are used for the gentle vertical transport of granular and free flowing bulky products, e.g. grain, pulses, oilseed and similar agricultural products. Overall, six types are available with different bucket volumes, conveying heights and flow rates that can be customized with various motor speeds. Output rates vary between 10 and 110 t / h, tensile strength between 400 and 1000 N/mm and conveying heights between 5 and 40 m. ▪ Modular design through duct lengths of 500 mm, 1000 mm and 2000 mm ▪ Low space requirement due to the compact design ▪ Simple...
Open the catalog to page 3KOVALI ELEVATOR RAST Kovalı Elevatörler, endüstri ve tarımda tahıl, yağlı tohum, bakliyatlar gibi dökme malzemelerin dikey taşınmasında kullanılır. Kapasite ve kullanım alanlarına ve taşınacak malzemelerin cinsine bağlı olarak; kova hacimleri, motor büyüklükleri ve elevatör ölçüleri bakımından altı tip elevatör üretimimiz mevcuttur. Taşıma kapasiteleri: 10 – 110 t/h Modüler olarak tasarlanmış, boyutları; 500mm, 1000mm ve 2000mm uzunluğunda galvaniz elevatör boruları, Daha az yer kaplayan kompakt dizayn, Kolay montaj ve bakım-onarım, Özel olarak bükümlü ve vida bağlantılı tasarım, korozyon...
Open the catalog to page 4BUCKET ELEVATOR
Open the catalog to page 5BUCKET ELEVATOR
Open the catalog to page 6BUCKET ELEVATOR RAST Bucket Elevators are used for the vertical transport of granular and free flowing bulky products, e.g. grain, pulses, oilseeds and similar agricultural products. • • • • • Modular design through duct lengths of 500 mm, 1 000 mm and 2 000 mm Easy assembly and maintenance Suitable for the transport of seed (option) Optimal transport for each product through the individual adaptation of the bucket elevator (different bucket designs, speed adjustment, motor capacity etc.) Low space requirement because of the compact design The product to be conveyed is vertically...
Open the catalog to page +90 532 390 7278 Kosova Mh. Çöğen Sk. NO: 10/2 Selçuklu / KONY
Open the catalog to page 8