

Catalog excerpts



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MAXIMUM PRECISION, GREAT SOLIDITY MASSIMA PRECISIONE, GRANDE SOLIDITÀ The dough sheeters of Queen line are sturdy and strong because entirely made on painted metal and stainless steel. Designed to last over time and to guarantee great reliability, they ensure maximum precision during the dough working. Le sfogliatrici della linea Queen sono solide e robuste perché interamente costruite in metallo verniciato e acciaio inox. Progettate per durare nel tempo e per garantire una grande affidabilità, assicurano la massima precisione durante la lavorazione della pasta. Les laminoirs de la ligne...

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GENTLE LAMINATION OF THE DOUGH LAMINAZIONE DELICATA DELL’IMPASTO The dough lamination is made with a gentle, gradual and calibrated thinning. In this way the dough reaches the required thickness without stress and ready to favour an optimal development of the final product. La laminazione dell’impasto avviene con un assottigliamento delicato, graduale e calibrato. In questo modo la pasta raggiunge lo spessore desiderato senza stress e pronta per favorire uno sviluppo ottimale del prodotto finale. La lamination de la pâte est faite avec un amincissement délicat, graduel et calibré. De cette...

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QUEEN LINE Thanks to its small size and to its foldable tables, the manual dough sheeter Q50 is the perfect ally for those who are looking for a machine simple to use but reliable and very compact at the same time. The front handle allows a quick and easy adjustment of the cylinders’ lowering, and the joystick, positioned on the upper side of the machine, enables the operator to work in a natural and ergonomic position. La sfogliatrice manuale Q50 è l’alleata ideale per chiunque sia alla ricerca di una macchina semplice da usare ma, al tempo stesso affidabile e dall’ingombro minimo grazie...

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QUEEN LINE It’s the perfect sheeter for small and medium sized laboratories. Reinforced structure, dual control as standard (joystick and pedals), strong front handle for an accurate setting of the cylinders’ opening and closing, they make a high lamination performances and long lasting in time machine. Easy to clean, it’s very compact thanks to its foldable tables. È la sfogliatrice ideale per laboratori di piccole e medie dimensioni. Struttura rinforzata, doppi comandi di serie (joystick e pedaliera), precisa impostazione di apertura e chiusura dei cilindri grazie alla robusta maniglia...

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QUEEN LINE The highest quality in the smallest encumbrance. Built on the same mechanical basis as Q600 model, it is equipped with a practical direction arm and a pedal to invert the belts direction. The distinctive feature of this machine, compared to Q500 model, are the folding and removable tables, which make it compact and also facilitate cleaning and maintenance. Il massimo in termini di qualità nel minimo ingombro. Costruita sulla stessa base meccanica del modello Q600, è dotata di un pratico bilanciere e di una pedaliera per invertire la direzione dei tappeti. La caratteristica...

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QUEEN LINE The dough sheeter for excellence. It is provided with a practical and ergonomic direction arm and with a pedals to invert the belts’ direction. Its strong structure and large cylinders guarantee an excellent lamination as well as reliability and great durability over time. Q600 also offers the possibility to easily close and remove the table already complete with the lower plates. The scrapers, as all the other parts that require a periodic cleaning, are easily accessible by the operator. La sfogliatrice per eccellenza. È dotata di un confortevole ed ergonomico bilanciere e di...

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QUEEN LINE This manual dough sheeter uses the mechanics of the most advanced automatic sheeter to guarantee a perfect lamination with any type of dough. Thanks to its generous conveyor belts with width of 654 mm and different lengths according to your needs, it’s able to satisfy any production requirement. The transmission with trapezoidal and toothed belts make this machine very noiseless and reliable, while the strong frontal handle allows a very precise setting of the cylinders up to achievement of very thin thickness. Questa sfogliatrice manuale sfrutta la meccanica delle più evolute...

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Power Potenza Voltage Volt Weight Peso Cylinders opening Apertura cilindri Dimensions Dimensioni Speed Velocità Belt dimensions Misura tappeti QUEEN LINE mm width / larg. length/lung. ** With protection grids

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Two rollers provided / Due mattarelli in dotazione / Deux rouleaux fournis / Dos rodillos previstos / Оснащена двумя скалками Foldable tables / Piani richiudibili / Tables repliables / Planes recerrable / Закрывающиеся борты Removable tables / Piani estraibili / Tables extractibles / Planes extraíble / Сьемные борты Double controls (by hand and foot) / Doppi comandi (a mano e a pedale) / Doubles commandes (main et pied) / Controles dobles (con la mano y el pie) / Двойное управление (ручное и через педаль) Electrical plant under UL standards (only electrical components, motors excluded) /...

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QUEEN LINE The semiautomatic dough sheeter QMT670 is provided with the same mechanical components of our automatic models and for this reason it guarantees highly professional performances. The cylinders’ rise and descent is managed automatically and it’s storable in the practical color touch screen (100 programs). Through the same tool it is possible to set the belts’ speed and the drive of flour duster and coiler (optional). The operator will only have to manage the inversion of the belts direction by means of the ergonomic direction arm or by the practical pedals. The working tables are...

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QUEEN LINE Le laminoir semi-automatique QMT est pourvu des mêmes composants mécaniques de nos modèles automatiques et pour cette raison il permet la possibilité d’un usage hautement professionnel. Le levage et la descente des cylindres sont gérés automatiquement et ils peuvent être mémorisés dans le pratique écran tactile couleur (100 programmes). Par le même outils on peut régler la vitesse des tapis et l’entraînement du farineur et de l’enrouleur (optional). L’opérateur devra seulement gérer l’inversion de tapis au moyen du balancier ergonomique ou du pédalier très fonctionnel. Les tables...

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