Waterproof Connectors
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Catalog excerpts

Waterproof Connectors - 2

BNC Waterproof Bulkhead Connectors Straight Cable Jack 0 .507*- 0 .130 Drawing = 2X actual size. .473* * Recommended mounting hole size .500-28 UNEF-2A .625 hex .219 hex .687 hex Mounting-Gasket AEP Part Number: 6501-7551-219 Characteristics: Brass body, nickel plated. Օ Beryllium-copper captive contact, gold plated. Clamp-type hardware for Times RD-316 cable. Օ Waterproof to 1 meter for 30 minutes. Meets MIL-PRF-39012 requirements. Options: Օ Silver or gold plated body. Crimp attachment for flexible cable, or solder-clamp for semi-rigid cable. Օ Available for most RG, M17, or...

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Waterproof Connectors - 3

■ SMA Waterproof Bulkhead Connectors Straight Cable JackStandard Mating 0.257 250-36 UNS-2A Drawing = 3X actual size. 250 h ex f Recommended mounting hole size 313hex^.Ring .437 hex- AEP Part Number: 9153-7553-002 ^haracteristics: Stainless steel body, nickel plated. Beryllium-copper captive contact, gold plated. Clamp-type hardware for RG-178 cable. Meets MIL-PRF-39012 requirements. Options: ו Gold plated or passivated body. Crimp attachment for flexible cable, or solder-clamp for semi-rigid cable. Օ Available for most RG, M17, or semi-rigid cables up to .215 outer diameter. Straight...

Open the catalog to page 3
Waterproof Connectors - 4

SMB Waterproof Bulkhead Connectors Straight Cable JackHex Mounting Nut SMBjackח Drawing«3Xactualsize< 500 he* *Recommendedmountingholesj AEP Part fMumber: 2027-3551-403 Characteristics; 1 Brass body body, flat black chrome plateti.  Beryllium-copper captive contact, gold plated. - Clamp-type hardware for RG-316 cable. ■ Hood over rnating end to prevenl mismating. Waterproof to 3 PSI pressure. Options: ■ Gold or nickel plated body. Օ Crimp attachaient for flexible cable, or solder-clamp for serni-rigid cable. Available for most RG, M17, or semi-rigid cables up to .125 outer diameter....

Open the catalog to page 4
Waterproof Connectors - 5

TNC Waterproof Bulkhead Connectors Straight Cable Jack j.507 Drawing -2X octuol 31« .500-28 UNEF-2A ' ftocommcndad mountmg ho le sire 625 hex Mounbng Gasket AEP Part Number: 6002-7551-202 Characleristics: ■ Brass body, nickel plated. Beryllium-copper captive contact, gold plated. > Clamp-type hardware for RG-178 cable. Օ Meets MIL-PRF-39012 requirements. Options: Silver or gold plated body. Օ Crimp attachaient for flexible cable, or solder-clamp for serni-rigid cable. Available for most RG, M17, or semi-rigid cables up to .215 outer diameter. Straight Cable Jack a 507 Drawmg -* 2X octuol...

Open the catalog to page 5
Waterproof Connectors - 6

Waterproof Bulkhead Connectors and Adapters F Sries Rceptacle 375-32 UNEF-2A Both sid Drawmg -3X octuol 31« 0 Ring 562 hex AEP Part Number: 8572-7511-000 Characteristics: 驕 Brass body, nickel plated. Beryllium-copper captive contact, gold plated. Օ Screw-in mounting. Options: Gold or nickel plated body. Օ Other contact termination types <tab, slotted, solder pot, threaded). SMA to SSMC Adapter SMA Jack Drawing ■ 3X actualai^e SSMC Jack «-40UNF-2A Recommended mounting holese IUNS-2A" LJ 313 hex闗rZt. 0-Rmg .437 hex AEP Part Number: 5944-1503-000 Characteristics: Stainless steel body, gold...

Open the catalog to page 6
Waterproof Connectors - 7

About AEP Since oir foundation in 1973. we hve always believed that having our customers take a look "inside AEP* is important il fostering stroag vendor/customer relationships. We are proud of our physical plant and equipmont but evei more so of our dedicated staff.Whan customers see fir%t-liiMirl how AEP's people keep a constant focus on maintaining and improviag cuslomei service and satisfaction, the reason for our consistently strong on-time delivery and quality recordsbecomes clear We invite you to see for yourself. Call us to arrange a plant touror if you cant make a visit ask for...

Open the catalog to page 7

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