Catalog excerpts

GENERAL INFORMATION I ►EXPERIENCE Owing to its 40 years exprience, its high level of qualily and ils constant effort in R & D, RADIALL has become the EUROPEAN -NT in coaxial connectors. Supported by its position, RADIALL has excelled in passive microwave component fields for more than 30 years. RADIALL's comptence in conception, development and manufacturing of passive microwave components is today widely acknowledged. The quality of its products and associated services. i>AWIDEFIELDOF ACTIVITY Speciaiized in passive microwave components. the RADIALL's engineering staff devetops and...
Open the catalog to page 2
» RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The increasing complexity of microwave systemsrequires more and more high performance components. To meet thըse requirements, the R & 0 department is constantly engaged in the development of new products as weli as improvemenl on prsent products. Fitted oui with microwave and mechanical CAD and with the latest gn驩ration of microwave test equipments up to 40 GHz. RADIALL uses the state-of-the-art technology to optimize its products and to give the fastest response to the spcifie customer requirements. + PRODUCTION Eleclrical performances of microwave producls are...
Open the catalog to page 3
► QUALITY AND RELIABILITY Qualily and reliability : Two major requirements of passive microwave components that RADIALL has boen taking into account for years. ISO 9001 label is the best vidence of quality assurance interfaces at every siage of a product from designing to manufacturing. AH new products are bounded to rigrd qualification programs before mass production. In the same way, every l驩ment which could affect products quality is tested periodically. Certificate ofApproval Awarded to MADIALL Bureau Veritas Quality International tertt/y that the Quality ManagementSystem oftheabot*...
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GENERAL ► A TESTING LABORATORY So as to observe its engagements conceming quality and reliability, RADIALL has fitted out its company with a test laboratory qualified by CECC oermitting to carry out most of the test required by its customers. ► PARTIAL LIST OF TEST MEANS : ELECTRICALS Breakdown voltage 12KVoltS Insulation rsistance 1 to210*MOhfns Contact rsistance 1 uOhms ENVIRONMENTAL Vibrations Sine random 0-12GQ 5 at 4000 Hz 0-120g5 al 4000 Hz Shocks 30 to 200 g6to16 ms Shakes 2bIO40 g 6 mu Thermal vacum 10"5TORR-45to-100*C Thermal shock -70*C■f200*C/transter20s Storage temp驩rature -70*C...
Open the catalog to page 5
TECHNICAL INFORMATION_ Technical data sheels are available upon request, consull RADIALL sales department. I LIST OF APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS : List of related documents covering the gnerai mechanical and climatic tests app icable to Ihe devices described in this catalog. NFC 93561 ꕕ NFC 93562 NFC 93563 Օ NFC 93564 NFC 93566 Օ MIL C 39012 MIL STD 202 Il GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: r> ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS MODELS R40S R435 R443/R447 . FU99 R 451 Tempթrature range OperatingfJ 0 + 55 Ǖ 55+125 -40 + 85 - 25 i70 Storage ('C) -25 + 70 -55 + 125 -40 + 35 -40 + 85 Mechanical MIL STD 202...
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TECHNICAL INFORMATION III MATERIALS AND FINISHES : RF body Nickel Plated Contacts Bryllium Copper Gold Plated (CuBe2) Insulator PTFE or ULTEM 1000 Connectors Stanless Steel Passivated or Brass Nickel Plated 1 Construction Splashprool IV DEFINITION OF PARAMETERS a) FOR ALL COMPONENTS ► RF CONNECTORS Microwave connectors have a characteristic impdance of 50 & 75 Q. Adaptation interfaces, materials and platings are in accordance with the applicable sp驩cifications quoted in this catalog. ► FREQUENCY RANGE The trequency range indicated for each evice is that over which RADIALL warrants the...
Open the catalog to page 7
TECHNICAL INFORMATION VI DEFINITION OF PARAMETERS b) FOR COAXIAL DETECTORS * TECHNOLOGY Detector are normally composed ol lour basic circuits : Օ An input matching circuit (characteristic impdance) A DC return circuit which also prevenls earthing of the RF signal 镕 An RF diode which is the heart of the detector A low pass tilter which թlimintes any undesirable RF wave caused by the dtection process. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DETECTOR Low Pass «.ter RF Low frequency ⩗O Input Output (video) Diode DC return Ml our detedors are equiped with 'zro bias require no biasing current type SCHOTTKY diodes...
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SMA-SMB/SMA/SMC/BNC/ Solder pin detectors up to 18 GHz WIDE BAND AND HIGH SENSITIVITY PART NUMBER Conncctors Figure Ngative polarily Positive polarlty RF Input Video output i -R461533000 R451533500 SMAmate : WIDE BAND R451534000 R451534500 SMA maie SMC maie 2 R451542000 R451542500 ■. ■ ■ ■ ■. ' " .j,' SMA鉏emale >■ ^Vr^-'*»--'" Jfc V *^ Vl M' . 3 ■ R451543000 R451543500 SMA maie Solder pin 4 R451544000 R451544500 SMA maie . BNC female * % R451030000 R451030500 SMA mate SMB mate 1 HIGH SENSITIVITY R451031000 R451031500 SMA maie SMC maie 2 1 R451032000 1 : ; R451032500 SMAmate ■ ■ lթ ■■ ■ ■ A...
Open the catalog to page 11
N - BNC Detectors up to18 GHz WIDE BAND AND CRYSTAL TYPICAL OUTLINE DRAWING ■630(16)/2 flats 1.689(17.5) Dib 2.272(57.7) | Removab!e cartridge .649 (16.5) rC coen .74 118.8) RADIALL 15
Open the catalog to page 14
I ri "n-- . ■ J- . ri חrr r^ . ri '^J* ■*»*■ -ח**-* r- J" J. # #■ ri7.\ . ri *>- ft JfJf'w -J■ ri ri' V r ^ ■ ■ N - SMA Coaxial rotary joints up to 18 GHz MINIATURE AND STANDARD PARTNUMBER Connectors Figure R447171000'" N maie / temale 2 GENERALSPECIFICATIONS Impeoance (i?) M Frequftncy range (GHz) OC -18 DC-12.4 12.4-18 DC-2 2-8 8-12.4 Cccwectors SMA N VS.W.ft S130 5150 <1.10 ' 25 <150 Insertion loss (dS; 5030 5 0.60 <010 <0 25 <0.60 Average power at 25* C (W) 200 100 60 Peak power (KW) 1(1|1S 1 V«) 2(5 us 1"/--) Maximum rotation speed Upm) 300 100 Mrxim.m rotation :orc.ue (cmfVj 3 10 Life...
Open the catalog to page 15
1 COAXIALDEVICES SMA Coaxial monitor tees up to 12.4GHz MINIATURE PART NUMBER Frcquencyrange(GHz, R443530000 01 19:i R443533000 1.5-6 ^ ■ ■ - - ■ ■ ******* -*vy ~n va ( R443536000 ✓ * * H * 1 9 J GENERALSPECIFICATIONS impթdance fw; 50 Frequency rargo (GMT) 01-1.5 15-6 6-12.4 01 1 11.5 15-4 4-6 VSWR գ125 130<1 20 < 1 35 insertonJoss fdfl; S 0.35 ã020 <040 050 Re ection aTt«nualion idB> >*0 ã35 *5 >45 DC voltage ma. f V) S 100 < 250 < 100 Avcrage powot ai 25" C (W) 10 25 Nominal capaci'y (pO 4700 10 35 OC cuirenl ma». (mA) 250 Connectors sma Weio.ruig) 15 TYPICALOUTLINEDRAWING PART NUMBER A...
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