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Catalog excerpts

Lighting - 2

Weimar lighting factory For almost 80 of its 125year history, R.STAHL has led the way in everything to do with explosionprotection. Safety standards are not problems for us; theyre seen as challenges. We donҒt simply fulfil the bare minimum requirements of all relevant norms, rather, we help form the standards of tomorrow and set new milestones for today. The end result of this activity is that R.STAHL Schaltgerte GmbH counts as one of the worlds leaders in the explosion protection product market thus inspiring us to provide an extensive array of services dealing with 䒻all things covering...

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Lighting - 3

EXLUX fluorescent lightingECOLUX fluorescent lighting C-LUX compact light fittingPendant light fittings Floodlights Hand lamps Emergency light systems Installation equipment Software 4 6 7 81012131415 >

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Lighting - 5

5 > 3 EXLUX 6014/6414 Description Application > Standard light fittings > light fittings for 1 to 4 fluorescent lamps with a power output of 18W,36W or 58W > for lighting spray and enamelling lines > 4 EXLUX 6012/6412 > in pharmaceutical cleanrooms > Inset light fittings > with electronic ballast > installation as pendant, retrofit or insetrecessed light fitting > compact, sturdy construction, impact-resistant, high degree of dust and water resistance > EXLUX 6018/6418 Emergency light fittingsZone 1, Zone 2 > enclosure made of powder-coated sheet metal or stainless steel Lighting technology...

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Lighting - 7

7 > emergency light fittings from the 6108/6508 series can be used as safety illumination > for wall and ceiling mounting > 3 C-LUX 6100/6500 Description Lighting technology > Standard compact light fitting > light fittings for 1 to 3 fluorescent lamps > instant start-up with flicker-free operation > C-LUX 6108/6508 Compact emergency light fittingZone 1, Zone 2Zone 21, Zone 22 > power output of 8W up to 24W > optimal light distribution > compact, sturdy construction > light ray angle optimisation and anti-glareprotection provided by prismatic design of cover > high degree of dust and water...

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Lighting - 8

Lighting technology > rotationally symmetrical light distribution > 1 Pendant light fittings Series 6050 Zone1, Zone 2 Zone 21, Zone 22 Description > high luminous efficiency > for self-ballasted mercury lamps and gas discharge lamps up to 160W > long lamp service life > fitting can alternatively be fitted with self-ballasted mercury lamps, mercury vapour or high-pressure sodium lamps as well as compact lamps and halogen incandescent lamps > pendant light fittings in a flameproof enclosure with integrated Exe terminal chambers Type of protection > IP65/66 in accordance with EN60598 >...

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Lighting - 9

2 9Description > 2 Pendant light fittings Series 6470/6480 Zone 2 Zone 21, Zone 22 Lighting technology > for self-ballasted mercury lamps and gas discharge lamps up to 400W > very high luminous efficiency > rotationally symmetrical light distribution > pendant light fittings in a flameproof enclosure with integrated Exe terminal chambers > long lamp service life > fitting can alternatively be fitted with self-ballasted mercury lamps, mercury vapour or high-pressure sodium lamps > safety glass cover made of temperature changeresistant moulded glass Type of protection > housingisconstructed...

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Lighting - 10

Lighting technology > symmetrical light distribution > high luminous efficiency > strong, direct-where-you-need-it light beam > 1 FloodlightSeries 6121/5 Zone 1, Zone 2Zone 21 Description > long lamp service life > available in three sizes for differing lamp power output ֖ suitable for up to1000W > Series 6121/6 Type of protection > Zone 1, Zone 2 > > for halogen incandescent lamps of max.1000W, for high-pressure sodium lamps of max.600W, for halogen high-pressure iodide lamps of max.400W floodlight in a flameproof enclosure withintegrated Exe terminal chambers > IP65 in accordance with...

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Lighting - 11

3 > asymmetrical flat optics spotlight forilluminating extensive areas from a laterally mounted light position > strong, direct-where-you-need-it light beam 11 > higher luminous efficiency available if needed Light technology > symmetrical light distribution can be adjusted narrow or broad-beamed. Alternatively, an asymmetrical reflector can be inserted > 3 FloodlightSeries 6521/3 Zone 2,Zone 21, Zone 22 Description > high luminous efficiency with direct light > available in three sizes for differing lamp power output ֖ suitable for up to1000W > long lamp service life > can be used as a...

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Lighting - 12

1 Portable lampsSeries 6144 Zone 1, Zone 2 Description Applications > for maintenance and servicing tasks > designed for mobile use even in hazardousareas > for inspection and check patrols > Portable lampsSeries 6149 Zone 1, Zone 2 Zone 21, Zone 22 Hand lampsSeries 6140 Zone 0, Zone1, Zone 2 Zone 20, Zone 21, Zone 22 Hand lamps Series 6147 Zone 1, Zone 2 Zone 21, Zone 22 > use as an emergency light during power failures (6144) > 2 > hand lamps/portable lamps with operational functions to match the task > sturdy, impact-resistant portable lights > high reliability and service life > 3 >...

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Lighting - 13

> an integrated address module makes monitoring of individual lights possible > various interfaces permit data transmission to external outputs > Type of protection Applications > electronic apparatus cabinet IP54 > > Safety illumination by means of these group or central battery systems meets DINVDE0108 and EN50171 requirements. These systems are suitable for installation in the non-Ex-area۫, or as a power supply for safety illumination in the general industrial area and the hazardous area. battery compartment IP43 > Group battery system Series 6920Central battery system Series 6950...

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Lighting - 14

1 Control equipmentSeries 8040Plugs and socketsSeries 8570Junction boxesSeries 8102/8118Installation switchSeries 8030/51Safety distributorswitchSeries 8146Terminal boxesSeries 8146/8125 Description Type of protection > IP65Series 8030/8040 > installation switch series 8030 and control equipment series 8040 are designed for the switching of circuits > IP66/67Series 8102/8118 > 2 > IP55/66Series 8570 > IP65Series 8146 > junction boxes 8102/8118 and terminal boxes of the 8146/8125 series enable safe distribution and connection > 3 > plugs and sockets in the 8575 series facilitate mobile power...

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All R. STAHL AG catalogs and technical brochures

  1. CATALOGUE 2018

    1094 Pages

  2. Ex-Poster

    1 Pages

  3. AK00_III

    12 Pages

  4. EN/IEC 61439

    4 Pages

  5. SERIES 200

    8 Pages

  6. HMI Overview

    36 Pages

  7. SolConeX

    12 Pages

  8. GUBox

    4 Pages

  9. EXLUX 6001

    4 Pages

  10. Focus customer

    24 Pages

  11. AK00_III

    5 Pages

  12. Lighting

    16 Pages

  13. Isolators

    6 Pages

  14. IS1+Remote I/O

    16 Pages

  15. Stahl - Catalog

    1306 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. IS1 remote I/O

    12 Pages

  2. Cable glands

    18 Pages