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Ex-Magazine 2012 R. STAHL Am Bahnhof 30, 746 3 8 Waldenburg Fon + 49 7942 943 -0 Fax + 49 7942 943 -4333 ID 215394 S-ExMagazine 38/2012-00-DE-06/2012 · Printed in Germany R. STAHL www.stahl.de for the installers and operators of explosion protected electrical installations Magazine 2012
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Ex-Magazine 2012 | Page 69 Editorial Publications + 49 7942 943 40 4301 / exzeitschrift@stahl.de Please copy and mark your request and send to us by fax or E-mail Dear readers, Cover picture: Berlin – capital of reunited Germany. Since the beginning of the 20th century, state institutes are located there, among others the one responsible for research and analysis of safety technology for industry and trade (see report on page 26). Flag Ex-Magazine 38/2012 (ISSN 0176-0920) is published on behalf of: R. STAHL Am Bahnhof 30, 74638 Waldenburg, Germany Fon: + 49 7942 943-0 Fax: + 49 7942...
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04 Dr.-lng. Thorsten Arnhold Vice President Product Management and R. STAHL Schaltgerate GmbH, Waldenburg Product Manager Ex Solutions, Head of Organisation and Communication Department, Franz Schuck GmbH, Steinheim 18 Dr.-lng. Michael Beyer Head of Department 3.7 Prevention of Ignition Head of Department 3.4 fundamentals of Explosion Protection^ PTB, Braunschweig Project Engineer plant design/plant construction Andreas Junghans Anlagenbau und Edelstahlbearbeitung, Frankenberg BAM Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung, Berlin Head of Laboratory, DEKRA EXAM GmbH, Bochum und -priifung, Berlin,...
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Legislation, Standards and Technology Informations about explosion protection byThorsten Arnhold (Editorial Board) IEC TC 31 Explosion protection of electrical took place in Melbourne, in October 2011. As usual this annual meeting was used for fol- lowing working group meetings: The group finished the activities by pro- viding recommendations to the maintenance teams of the IEC Standards 60079 part 0 (General requirements). Part 10 (Zone clas- sification) and part 14 (Selection and instal- lation) to modify the scopes. WG 32 Creepage and clearance distances Under the convenor Mr. Coppler, a...
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> introduction of >X-mark< for marking of Group Ill-enclosures that do not corre- spond with the basic requirements on material (analogous to Group II), > addition of requirements on ventilators, > modification of the impact test to take the rebounding effect of the test piece used for impact test into account, > addition of requirements on cable transit The stability date was set to 2015, mean- ng that in this year the Maintenance Team (MT) will decide if a project to create the 7th Edition of the standard should be started. The harmonization procedure to gener- ate an European Standard...
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Protection by powder filling The comments of the National Commit- tees on the first working paper (DC = Draft for comments) of the 4th edition were dis- cussed during the 2011 Melbourne meeting for spring 2012. In this standard the evalua- tion of the changes are documented in a special appendix for the first time. in 2011. In this the EPLs ob and oc are intro- duced for the first time. The maximum volt- new special paragraph dealing with spark- planned for March 2012. There have been 182 comments on the DC which indicates the remarkable public interest and the fact that this important...
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> protection devices will be required only to ensure the maximum surface tempera > the storage temperature for the therma endurance test are better defined and > the pressure test to detect voids in the moulding is questioned and will be fur- ther discussed. The stability date for the 3rd edition equipment protection level (EPL) Ga dend of 2011. Atthe next meeting of the re- spective MTthe CDVwill be prepared for distribution to the National Committees. The Major changes compared to the first edi- > Achievement of reduced requirements on IP-protection for >ta< with additional re- quirements...
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For the first time, the requirements on qualification and competence of employees that are entrusted with installation work in hazardous areas, are described in an annex. Furthermore, the following amendments and modifications will be implemented: > Adoption of requirements on installations in dust explosive hazardous areas from Determination of voltage tolerances for > Specification of minimum requirements on operating instructions (note of the au- thor: this topic would, however, better be ncluded in product standard IEC 60079-0), > Greater attention to installations in ex- treme...
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Meeting in Milano, November 2011 A major theme of this meeting was again the due date of certificates after the publi- cation of new editions of the standards. The basis for the right method to be applied on the equipment and the respective certifi- cates should depend on the classification in append ixZY, which willbedoneasan inte- gral part of the work of the MTs. There is a tendency towards a new certificate being only necessary if the standard change is classified as significant (column 3 of app. ZY). To avoid an extension of the need for updating the certificates, the manufactures take...
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Application Reports ball cock with off-grid drive control for gas pipelines by Philipp Baldermann and Tobias Popp Figure 1: The Schuck drive for ball cocks on the Asia Gas Pipeline incl. controls and all attachments The Schuek Group founded in 1972 by Franz Schuek, manufactures and distributes components for connecting pipeline systems such as fit- tings, drives, building inlets, insulating components and shaped parts. With five international subsidiaries, a distribution network in over 50 countries, and 40 years of experience, the Schuck Group has become an established name as an...
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The drives and controls specified in the international tenderfor the Asia Gas Pipeline from Uzbekistan to China have tomeetonemain prime function: to shut off the 1,818 km long gas pipeline safely and quickly with 130 ball cocks in emergencies. This is done via switching sections which can be sealed off with two shut-off fittings in case of The special challenge of this project was to guarantee the safe actua- tion of the fittings over long distances in partially difficult terrain. In emergencies, manual operation on site could prove difficult as even a helicopter would take several hours...
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