Catalog excerpts

PRODUCT INFORMATION QMI BRAKE FLUID TEST STRIPS — Strip Dip™ reliable testing with FASCAR® technology The problem Brake fluid is the most neglected fluid service. More than 70% of vehicle manufacturers recommend brake fluid flush service, but their recommendations are limited to time and mileage. Many factors impact the condition of brake fluid; age, driving conditions, environment, driving habits, etc. A vehicle with 12,000 miles can have brake fluid “virtual age” of 30,000 miles. Many condition-related factors cannot be detected by visually examining brake fluid. Waiting until brake fluid fails a moisture test may be too late. When corrosion inhibitors become depleted, corrosion can pit metal bores in the master cylinder, slave cylinders and ABS components. Pistons cannot move as freely, seals become damaged and cylinders can develop leaks. Repairs are very expensive. The solution Strip Dip™ brake fluid test strips utilize FASCAR® technology to measure brake fluid's “virtual age.” FASCAR®, or “Fluid Analysis by Stimulation of Contamination Alpha Reaction,” measures factors effecting brake fluid such as the age of brake fluid in the system, the level of amines or reserve alkalinity, thermal oxidation, presence of metal oxidation catalysts and fluid contamination, thus providing a simple visual test to determine brake fluid condition and the need for brake fluid flushing service. To test, immerse a new Strip Dip® into the vehicle's brake fluid for 1 second, and within 30 - 120 seconds the reaction zone will change colors depending on the condition of the brake fluid. Use the Dip Strip® FASCAR® color scale to compare the reaction zone color and determine the FASCAR® rating. Bake caliper corrosion Package: 100 test strips per bottle Website: www.qmiitw.com
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