Catalog excerpts

PATENT PENDING MicroPurge Basics Controller MP MicroPurge MN Manual Time Set ID ID Time Set LVL Level Shutoff Simple arrow key control of low flow rates makes purge rate adjustment easy. Expert flow and drawdown control for low-volume purging The MicroPurge basics™ MP10 Controller revolutionizes low-flow sampling with advanced logic control of purge flow and well drawdown. Simple up-down arrow keys increase and decrease purge flow, driving a microprocessor to re-create expert techniques for low-flow adjustment. Then, optimized settings are identified for recall in the next round of sampling. The MP10 also offers an easy way to prevent excessive monitoring well drawdown during purging, by linking to the optional MP30 Drawdown/Water Level Meter. The lightweight, compact MP10 sets the pace for a new generation of genuine MicroPurge basics equipment, first in control and power for low-flow sampling. MicroPurge® basics™ MP10 Controller Advantages • Exclusive MicroPurge control mode uses simple arrow keys to adjust low-flow rates easily and repeatably, using a microprocessor to re-create the flow adjustment strategies used by experienced samplers. • Connection port allows linking to optional MP30 Drawdown/Water Level Meter, which signals MP10 Controller to enter standby mode if drawdown limit is exceeded. • Multi-mode digital control includes MicroPurge Mode, ID Mode for repeat events, and manual control. • Weatherproof controls are housed in a rugged, compact (10-3/4" x 9-3/4" x 5") case. • Full digital display of all setting and status information. First in Control & Power for Low-Flow Sampling Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3726 USA e-mail info@qedenv.com www.micropurge.com
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Can be used with any blade with the use of simple adapters MICROPURGE CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS Hold/Sample/ Cycle delivers Connection to MP30 Drawdown Meter Heavy-duty cable (supplied with MP30) © COPYRIGHT 2000 QED Environmental Systems, Inc. MicroPurge Basics Controller MP MicroPurge MN Manual Time Set ID ID Time Set LVL Level Shutoff Simple, stable, repeatable flow rate setting The MP10 puts you in control of the most advanced low-flow sampling system ever made. You will purge and sample quickly and easily, with precise, steady low-flow pumping rates from one sampling event to the next....
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