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Catalog excerpts

baSiC-T - 1

New Generation Silicon Carbide Crystal Growth Furnace Semiconductor Systems

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baSiC-T - 2

The PVA TePla physical vapor transport (pvt) system baSiC-T has been especially designed for Silicon Carbide (SiC) crystal growth by sublimation of a source powder at high temperatures. The baSiC-T system design is based on a modular concept and allows the use of substrates (seeds) up to 6" diameter. • Designed for Power Electronic Applications ◊ high automation level for massproduction ◊ Fab Management Software Solution available ◊ small footprint, compact placement • Available for 4" and 6" • Inductive heating using field-proven coil-designs ◊ Low power consumption (approx. 10KW at 2,200...

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All PVA TePla Group catalogs and technical brochures

  1. SiCube

    2 Pages

  2. SR Series

    2 Pages

  3. FZ-30

    2 Pages

  4. FZ 14-M

    2 Pages

  5. OKZ 300

    2 Pages

  6. EKZ 3000

    2 Pages

  7. EKZ 3500

    2 Pages

  8. CGS-Lab

    2 Pages

  9. EKZ 2700

    2 Pages