Catalog excerpts

monitoring option DUAL OPD Ultra monitoring option DUAL-plants With the version PURION DUAL OPD is possible to operate one or both UV lamps. The control system is realized in one electronic control cabinet with Operating Power Detection (OPD 2) for both UV lamps to monitor the UVC intensity. The second UV plant in flow direction can be additionally switched on (priority circuit). If only the first UV plant (in flow direction) is operated the second UV plant will be immediately and automatically switched on if there is an error or too less UVC intensity within the first UV plant. With this backup mechanisms in case of operation only one UV lamp, a very high degree of safety is ensured. With the version PURION DUAL OPD Ultra both UV lamps are switched and operated simultaneously. For both plants a monitoring of the UVC intensity is integrated (OPD 2). Both plants are equipped with a potential free contact to switch the magnet valve. In case of an error or too less UVC intensity the water flow will be immediately and automatically interrupted by the magnet valve. A renewed release of the water flow requires the correction of the error. The version DUAL Professional OPD enables a well engineered protection to ensure the guaranteed disinfection power.
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PURION Solutions pour la surface
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