Catalog excerpts

AIRPURION Sterile Fridge active number of 1x PURION UVC-lamp The AIR De-germinator AIRPURION Sterile fridge active enables systematic UV based disinfection and removal of bad odour within fridge rooms. The air is taken actively inside the plant via fan. To meet highest safety standards the UV lamps can be equipped with special splinter protection (UV safety glass film). Within the standard scope of delivery of a plant AIRPURION Sterile Fridge an assembly system is included. low-maintenance operation total power 14W (PURION UVC-lamp) 6W (UVA-lamp) over current protection AIRPURION Sterile Fridge article number: 162 00100 0000 article number: 162 00300 0000 did you know that ... The AIRPURION Sterile Fridge is the only system with a real two step approach to remove bacteria and bad odour. up to 30 % of food stored in walk in refrigerators is wasted due to unsanitary environment. 1st function: reliable UVC disinfection Air is sterilized with UV-C light, as the only reliable technology for chemical free sterilization. sterile environment means both: removal of bacteria and volatile organic compound (VOC) "bad odour”. common air purification plants in the market ... use single technologies - either efficient to remove bacteria or VOC. ... are neither ready to operate below -10 C° nor continuously. ... don't have safety features to prevent the release of glass splinters or mercury. 2nd step photo catalytic oxidation Bad odour is removed via photo catalytic oxidation (PCO) via UV-A light and a titanium dioxide (TiO2) photo catalyst. value added at a glance ... The superior two in one AIRPURION Sterile Fridge is the only system that ensures reliable UV disinfection and the removal of bad odour ! The AIRPURION Sterile Fridge ... considerably extends the shelf life of stored food. ... works totally without chemicals. ... is the only system with highest HACCP compliance due to splinter protection via UV glass safety film (no release of mercury or glass splinters in food areas in case of breakage of the UV lamp). ... allows for continuous operation because it is a closed system with active air inlet via fan. ... can be equipped with various options to monitor the disinfection performance. ... implies easy maintenance and low operational costs. equipment AIRPURION active MAX service-kit article number: 292 00900 0000 PURION UV-lamp 14 W article number: 200 01500 0000 UVA-lamp 6 W article number: 200 02000 0000
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