Catalog excerpts

PURION UV-Set 10 W short DUAL depending on medium and geometrical structure product line disinfection of air and climate channel flow rate and disinfection power tank disinfection radiation length dimensions: seal flanges up to the end of the quartz tube Ø quartz tube Ø diameter flange Ø hole circle flange seal conveyor band disinfection surface disinfection The UV set consists of two quartz-made protective tubes which are closed at one end while the other one is placed into a stainless steel flange, two PURION UV-lamps, the distribution box with its electronic cut-in unit and the connecting cables. The flanges made from stainless steel have three boreholes by which they can be tightly screwed down (like for instance to the housing’s walls). life time of lamps no chemicals added to the medium being disinfected protection grade electrical connection total power not affecting odour or taste low-maintenance operation low operational costs over current protection 10 A splinter protection Operating Time Counter potential free contacts wide voltage Operating Time Counter potential free contacts splinter protection Operating Time Counter potential free contacts splinter protection wide voltage Operating Time Counter potential free contacts splinter protection wide voltage wide voltage equipment PURION UV-Set 10 W short DUAL PURION UV-lamp 10 W article number: 200 01300 0000 PURION assembly system switch box article number: 290 12100 0000 service-kit article number: 292 00900 00
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