Catalog excerpts

BOLT-ON JACKETS FOR CLOSE TEMPERATURE CONTROL GENERAL BOLT-ON JACKETS are available for Eco Searcnem® pumps to enable the user lo maintain close control of pumpmg tempratures- The Jackets are particu-arty useful where fluids tend to thicken or solidify when tempratures decrease. where saturated or supersaturatec solutions are prone to pr驩cipitation in the event of temprature drop, or where olven鯮s or other Itquids witti high vapor pressures need to be kept cool to prsent vapor lockmg The two^e魧e jackets can be mounted on new pumps or retrofitted to existing Gearchem pumps in the fiete». They are available in five slzes to fit G2/GA2 and G4/GA4 pumps. G6/GA6 pumps. G8/GA8 pumps and flanged GAI 2 and GA16 pumps. Jackets can also be used *ith threaded GA12 pumps at stigniiy kwer beat transfer effiaencies. Desrgned to conform ciosefry to the contours of the vanous pomps. and covnng front, rear and center housirgs the jackets transfer beat ev*nly wrth no bot or cokj spots dtvttoped, The use of a plastic beat transfer compound to fin any sitght vfflds between the jacket halves and the pump housings is recommended for maximum effic^ency anc rapid responM tO Itmptrature changes when so roquired. EASY MAINTENANCE FEATURED Pumps equipped wrth jackets are easily ^c^siti** fo' mutine maintenance since the two jacket hatves can slide easily over suctron and cischarge piping. Access to pump bearmg tlusb ports as weil as center housmg vent ports is mamtained m the jacket design Ehminated is cumbersome and Ineffioent beat tracing usmg eitner eiec-tncal tape or small hard-to-bend steam hnes. which must be removed 眗 sometimes witn dtfficulty prior to pump maintenante. DESIGNED FOR STEAM OR OTHER MEDIA Each jacket baׯf consists of an aluminum casting poured around a central steel rservoir through which tne heating or coohng mdium circu驭ltes. Connections to the rservoir are brought to the outskle usmg stan⩭dard steel pipe couplings. A bralded, flexible, motalllc hoso connects the two jacket naves. The jacket* are hydrostatically tested to 225 psig and the heattng mdium may De steam at pressures to 150 psig. or any of the organe beat transfer fluids such as Dowtherm®, Arocbior®. Thermnol*. Mo嗢Httnerm® etc. Codants such as Fluorocarbons. giycois. metbanols or bnne solutions may also be used, IMPORTANT COST SAVINGS Because of the relative smaii size of ECO Gearchem pump housings, it 15 impractical to cast jackets integrally w»th the bousinga. However. even rf this were not the case, replacement costs for housings of 316 stamiess steel. alloy 20 or higrvnickel altoy C due to corrosion or wem woukl be ver y experv sive. The bott-on jackets can be re-used or even moved from pump to pump as requirements change. TVPICAL APPLICATIONS Jackets are recommended m outdoor applications for causbes. neaty acids. fatty gl>cerols. alum, polyols. resms. coal tar denvatives ano similar pro* ucts They also are useful when harv dhrg acnesives. piastictzers. waxes. hot soap solutions, bottons in distillation Systems and wiped filmͩvapora-tors, and otber situations where fluids must be kept at eievated tempratures. When handling low boilers, pump jackets wrth a cooling m魩dium can soive a vapor lock problem wtthout the need to change the driver to give a lower pump operating speed. a Unit o<ocx Corporation Uinufacturtrt of Qutffty Pump*. CermoK and SysHms
Open the catalog to page 1
SERIES GA4 1/2" Ports SERIES GA6 3/4" Port» SERIES GA8 1" Ports SERIES GA12 11/2" Port» m a 0 E | F 1 G 1 H 1 J . *** GMC 1 - IV* m 'A 5 V* 1'/. 17. */. 1 *A 1 l'A l 7. Il7- j S 17. w 1*/. « v- U *W 17* 1 ■ ; IV' y/. 3 IJVi ff/a « «» f/< |7-|37- 3 /■ iy.. |i?v- 6 l)1;- H NOTE I. F *SD<* DMCVWtS Aft! HU«M CiER X*H MWWG T*ftS i... A Unit of IDEX Corporation 7883 BrioUlon-rtenruﻮra Tl Roafl P.O. Box 22909 RocMstir NY 14623 (716) 292-8000/FAX (716) 424-5619 hRptfwww puisa com e-mjil pulsaGpulsa com
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