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Catalog excerpts

PTC3E - 3

Power Potenza Control board Quadro comandi Starter with inverter, low tension controls, Star-Delta starter: low tension controls, start/stop push buttons, warning lights, start/stop push buttons, warning lights, emergency stop push button. emergency stop push button. Quadro avviamento stella -Triangolo, comandi bassa tensione, pulsanti marcia/arresto, Quadro avviamento con inverter, comandi bassa tensione, pulsanti marcia/arresto, spie luminose, pulsante stop di emergenza spie luminose, pulsante stop di emergenza Transmission Trasmissione Direct by axial gear coupling joint Mediante giunto...

Open the catalog to page 3
PTC3E - 4

Power Potenza Control board Quadro comandi Starter with inverter, low tension controls, Star-Delta starter: low tension controls, start/stop push buttons, warning lights, start/stop push buttons, warning lights, emergency stop push button. emergency stop push button. Quadro avviamento stella - Triangolo, comandi bassa tensione, pulsanti marcia/arresto,Quadroavviamentoconinverter,comandibassatensione, pulsanti marcia/arresto, spie luminose, pulsante stop di emergenza spie luminose, pulsante stop di emergenza Transmission Trasmissione Direct by axial gear coupling joint Mediante giunto di...

Open the catalog to page 4

All P.T.C. Srl catalogs and technical brochures


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  11. PTC4E

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  14. PTC2D

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  18. PTC6D

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  19. PTC7D

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Archived catalogs

  1. PTC1D

    2 Pages