PTC Compact Trailer
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Catalog excerpts

PTC Compact Trailer - 1

COMPACT TRAILER SERIES Unità idrodinamiche compatte su carrello ad acqua calda e fredda Cold and Hot water trailer mounted compact jetting unit Unités hydrodynamiques compactes à l’eau et froide et chaude sur remorque PATENTE B DRIVING LICENCE B PERMIS DE CONDUIRE B Omologato per il trasporto stradale, categoria O2 - max 750 kg › Approved for road transport, category O2 - max 750 kg › Homologué pour le transport sur route, catégorie O2 - 75

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PTC Compact Trailer - 2

Il Compact Trailer CTR-C è un’unità idrodinamica mobile e compatta ad acqua fredda, per la pulizia scarichi e disotturazione professionale oltre che per il lavaggio ad alta pressione ed idrosabbiatura. The Compact Trailer CTR-C is a mobile and compact cold water pressure jetting unit used to clean sewers and professional drain-jetting jobs as well as high pressure washing and hydro sandblasting. La remorque compacte CTR-C est une unité hydrodynamique mobile à l’eau froide, pour l’assainissement, et le débouchage professionnel ainsi que pour le nettoyage à haute pression et l’hydrosablage....

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PTC Compact Trailer - 3

COMPACT TRAILER SERIES Carenatura in ABS ABS casing Coque en ABS Versioni con caldaia 100 kW Versions with 100 kW boiler Versions avec chaudière 100 kW Pompe triplex Comet ad alta pressione (testata in ottone) Trasmissione diretta con riduttore o a cinghie poli-V High pressure Comet triplex pump (brass manifold) Direct drive either with reduction gear or poly-V belt Pompes triplex Comet à haute pression (tête en laiton) Serbatoio acqua in polietilene da 400 litri CTR-C / 200 litri CTR-H Entraînement direct avec réducteur ou à courroies poli-V Versioni con motore diesel o benzina Diesel or...

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PTC Compact Trailer - 4

CTR-C OPTIONAL FEATURES - Multifunction radio remote control - Working lamp - Flashing light - Spray gun + washing lance - Sewer cleaning nozzle kit - Mud suction kit - Lance with rotating nozzle CTR-H OPTIONAL FEATURES - Automatic H.P hose reel - Working lamp - Flashing light - Spray gun + washing lance - Floor cleaning lance - Weed killer lance - Lance with rotating nozzle - Steam lance O OPTIONAL CTR-C - Radiocomando multifunzione - Faro di lavoro - Lampeggiante - Idropistola + lancia lavaggio - Set di ugelli da stasamento - Kit aspirazione fango - Lancia con ugello rotante O OPTIONAL...

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All P.T.C. SRL - BRAND MASTER FLUID catalogs and technical brochures

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