Catalog excerpts

Ideale per veicoli commerciali di medie e grandi dimensioni come Fiat Doblo/Ducato o Ford Transit. Suitable for medium/big sizes commercial vehicles like Fiat Doblo/Ducato or Ford Transit. VERSIONI CON 2° NASPO H.P. VERSION WITH 2° H.P. HOSE REEL VERSIONI CON GENERATORE ACQUA CALDA VERSION WITH HOT WATER GENERATOR VERSIONI CON QUADRO COMANDI LCD E FARO DI LAVORO VERSIONS WITH LCD CONTROL PANEL AND WORK LIGHT VERSIONI BASIC BASIC VERSION
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Dati tecnici > Technical details Modello Model Dati riferiti alle unita con dotazione standard / Data refers to standard configurations. ANaspi Hose reels Naspo idraulico alta pressione pivot 135°. Max tubo 80 mt 1/2” - 50 mt 3/4”. High-pressure hydraulic 135° pivoting hose reel. Max hose 80 m 1/2"-50 m WPlus Naspo bassa pressione manuale: - 35 mt tubo 3/4” Manual LP hose reel: - 35 mt 3/4" hose Plus Plus Optional su richiesta Optional on request Quadro comandi bordo macchine (standard) con funzioni: - accensione/spegnimento - on/off bypass - regolazione giri motors - avvolgi/svolgi tubo....
Open the catalog to page 2All P.T.C. SRL - BRAND MASTER FLUID catalogs and technical brochures
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Masterfluid Trailer
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PTC Hot Water Units
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PTC Cold Water Units
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PTC Urban Cleaning
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2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages