Catalog excerpts
* BER & MER ON QAM DIGITAL SIGNALS * MULTISTANDARD ANNEX A / B / C * ANALOGUE CHANNELS * DIGITAL CHANNELS * BROADBAND POWER DETECTION * SCAN * C/N, CSO, CTB * TRANSIENT DETECTOR * MAX AND MIN HOLD * CHANNEL POWER BY INTEGRATION * TILT * DATALOGGER * PRINTING * CONNECTION TO PC > PROMAX-10 Premium is a multi purpose CATV Analyser ideal for all size MSO's and contrac-tors as a service and installation tool. The most outstanding feature of this unique meter is its capability to measure MER and BER on QAM digital channels but it is not missing any of the measurements a meter of its class must have. Also it allows to check a possible input saturation of some broadband demodulators by means of the power detection function.As a signal level meter it can be tuned by frequency or by channel. Various channel tables areavailable on board and they are all customer definable. Operating as much by means of the channel tuning as of frequency tuning mode can offer several advantages such as:- Detection of the total power. This parameter indicates the total power that is being transmittedthrough the connected coaxial cable to the PROMAX-10 Premium in the band from 5 to 862 MHz.- Automatic selection of analog or digital measurement mode. - Faster tuning via rotating tuning knob. - No need to type-in channel number or frequencies. - Combined multi-measure display (video, video/audio, carrier/noise). > The PROMAX-10 Premium displays with each ofthe measurements all the information required for the evaluation of the quality of signal under test. It has a GRAPHIC BAR for the interpretation, adjustment and convenient optimization of any cable television system , microwave link or terres- trial aerial. > In this mode we can see all the channels ofthe selected channel plan graphically repre- sented with their associated signal levels. A MARKER can be placed on any of the chan- nels displayed on the screen in order to find their frequency or their signal level.The SPAN and the REFERENCE LEVEL can be changed in order to adapt the presentationto the users test require ments. > Just pressing a button, the channel power measurement (using an integration method), carrier/noise, BER and MER can be carried out. It has been demonstrated that measure-ments as MER, are useful to determine the digital signal quality, reason why is essential to have them available in the measurement instruments. > To evaluate the signal quality, the Carrier/Noise Ratio with a sensitivity level of 2 dB is also fundamental as parameter to eva-luate the signal quality, both in analogue and digital transmission. In the menu this C/N ratio is displayed together with Signal Level or Channel Power, Audio Level and Video / Audio Ratio. >
Open the catalog to page 1It can be very helpul for interference and noise troubleshooting both in the forward and return bands. It can be essential to solve cable modem related problems. It is provided with a HOLD function to main-tain maximums and minimums, this is of greatvalue for identifying interfering signals, forexample, in the return band. The Composite Triple Beat (CTB) and Composite Second Order (CSO) are an indi- cation of the level of interference in the televi- sion channel generated by intermodulation of signals from other channels. Usually, otherchannels from the same system. Over certainlevel CTB...
Open the catalog to page 2RM-010 software package is a perfectcomplement to the PROMAX-10 Premium . This program has three main functions:a) Datalogger: Allows to open stored DataLoggers in the PROMAX-10 Premium to the PC. b) Config: Allows to transmit, receive, saveand modify all the Configuration Parameters of the PROMAX-10 Premium (up toa maximum of 55) or to transfer a Data Logger acquisition from the PROMAX-10 Premium . c) Upgrade: Allows to upgrade the PROMAX-10 Premium internal control software (firmware) tonewer versions. > PROMAX-8 Premium does the same as PROMAX-10 Premium but without the BERand MER QAM...
Open the catalog to page 3All PROMAX ELECTRONICA catalogs and technical brochures
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IL-185 Lux meter
1 Pages
MO-160 DVB-T Modulator
2 Pages
GV-198 Video generator
2 Pages
RM-204 PkWatch
14 Pages