Catalog excerpts
Technical Specifications Scanning Technology Italian Design Caratteristiche Tecniche Proel TSI S.r.l. 33033 Codroipo (Udine) - Italy Via Lino Zanussi, 20 Tel. (+39) 0432 815047 Fax (+39) 0432 905710 E-mail: Web: Proel TSI Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to all products from this depliant at any time without notice.
Open the catalog to page 1Z-Galva is part of Proel TSI 4th generation of stand-alone galvanometric machines. Condensing all legacy of experience and knowledge from previous generations along with new markets requirements Z-Galva provides innovative production with a high degree of accuracy, flexibility, and quality, all at a very affordable price. It is equipped with CO2 sealed CW - liquid or air cooled -Laser source and a galvanometric head that provides an extremely fast working speed (up to 10 m/s), thus achieving a high level of productivity. The Z-Galva is able to work many types of materials such as wood,...
Open the catalog to page 2All Proel TSI catalogs and technical brochures
E-Laser 1200
2 Pages
Stratos HP
2 Pages