Industrial Catalog
1 / 16Pages

Catalog excerpts

Industrial Catalog - 1

I N D U S T R I A L I N D U S T R I E L 3 0 Y as er As n I ndus tri al Products Produi ts I ndus tri elS w wpo e . w . -k a rt c w wpo e sryq ime to w . - kpaeup n. m rt c

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Industrial Catalog - 2

Pro-Tek was formed from humble beginnings in 1982 in Mirabel, Quebec. Small amounts of tools and equipment from outside of Canada were imported to start the company. Pro-Tek quick- ly found a niche in the paint and bodyshop equipment market. By 1984 Pro-Tek was a national In 1985, larger facilities were needed and Pro-Tek moved to Dorval, Quebec. Pro-Tek moved to larger facilities again in 1988 and 1993. During these years Pro-Tek concentrated on establishing our own brand name, relying less and less on other companies brands tools. Quality tools and paint guns at very attractive prices,...

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Industrial Catalog - 3

LVLP GRAVITY SPRAY GUN PISTOLET LVLP A GRAVITE Stainless steel nozzle, air cap and Pistolet a gravity LVLP Pro-Tek 2000 avec buse et aiguille en acier inoxydable. La serle 2000 comprend un godeten Tulip Pattern ,- ,, , . . Motif tulipe Ensemble de reparati 2000NNK kit (needle, nozzle & air cap) available Ensemble 2000NNK (aiguille, buse et chapeau a air) disponible MINI LVLP GRAVITY SPRAY GUN MINI-PISTOLET LVLP A GRAVITE Pro-Tek 3500 LVLP gravity gun. Stainless steel nozzle, air cap and Mini-pistolct a gravity LVLP Pro-Tek 3500 needle. avec buse et aiguille en acier inoxydable. Included one...

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Industrial Catalog - 4

HVLP GRAVITY SPRAY GUN PISTOLET A GRAVITE HVLP This high performance spray gun separates itself from the atomization of base coats d'atomisation superieure pour couche de fond et couchc Stainless steel nozzle, air cap and Pistolct a gravite Pro-Tek 4000GH avcc buse et aiguille en acier inoxydable. 4000HNNK kit (needle, nozzle & air cap) available Ensemble 4000HNNK (aiguille, buse et chapeau a Tulip Pattern Motif tulipe CONVENTIONAL GRAVITY SPRAY GUN PISTOLET A GRAVITE CONVENTIONNEL gun. Stainless steel nozzle, air cap and Pistolet a gravity conventionnel Pro-Tek 4O0OG avec buse et aiguille...

Open the catalog to page 4
Industrial Catalog - 5

HVLP SUCTION GUN AND HVLP PRESSURE GUN PISTOLET A SUCCION HVLP ET PRESSION HVLP less steel nozzle, air cap and needle. slice ion et 3000PH a pression, avec bust; et aiguille en acier inoxydable. La serie 3000H comprend un godetanti- 3000HNNK kit (needle, nozzle & air cap) available CONVENTIONAL SUCTION GUN AND PRESSURE GUN PISTOLET A SUCCION ET PRESSION CONVENTIONNEL HVLP spay gun features a cellent atomization. Ce fusil a succion et pression de serie 3000 HVLP de concep- tion compacte a une atomisa- tion cxccllcntc, ce qui fait de lui le meilleur fusil a pression sur Tulip Pattern Motif...

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Industrial Catalog - 6


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Industrial Catalog - 7


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Industrial Catalog - 8

1− 5 2 G L O P E S R T N S 0 1− 0 A L N R S U E A K C V S P E SO 1− 5 2 G L O S U E À R S I N 0 1− 0 A L N 7 5 A 5 0 Mo e C p c y Pes r A i t gSy d l a ai rsue gt i tl T n t an e ak L H Nt e WT 5 0 7 6 A Mna aul Se tl e Mne aul Ae cr i 4c 8c 2m 2m 2,K 8 g 8 6 PI 0S A Mt i or r o Se tl e 1 3 ” 3” 8/ 4 7 7. l 2 5b 7 s Mt r a o uà i e r Ae cr i 4,c 9 c 7 m 5m 5 3K 3g 6 PI 0S Mna aul Se tl e 1 3 ’ 3” 8 /’ 7 4 6. l 9 6b 6 s Mne aul Ae cr i 4,c 9 c 7 m 5m 5 3,K 1 g 6 6 PI 0S A Mt i or r o Se tl e 7 s 1 1 ’4 1 ” 9. l 9 /’ 0 / 4 2 4 9b Mt r a o uà i e r Ae cr i 6 PI 0S Mna aul Se tl e 4 br ,a 1 77M...

Open the catalog to page 8
Industrial Catalog - 9

PRESSURE SYSTEM All Pro-Tek pressure systems come equipped with a dual regulator, 25 feet of twin hose & Tous les systemes a pression Pro-Tek sont equipes d'un regulateur double, d'un boyau 2 quart pressure system with Systeme a pression 2 pintes avec fusil a pression conventionnel et un boyau double de 4 pieds. Nozzle Size Nozzle Size

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Industrial Catalog - 10

CA1 P R A L A DC A I GT P A IA O O T B E N L MPN Y E G T T R A IA E RD T P R T N EE P R A I G T T U E Y E E E U T O T TF CA5 HA5 C n u t nc n o : 7 F o smpi /o sm.1 C M o S e dv es: := 0 rm p e /i se 5 6 0p t 1 We h/od : k -0b i t is 9 g2 ls g p C n u t nc n o : 9 F o smpi /o sm.1 C M o S e dv es:1:= 9 0p p e /i se . 2 0 rm t 1 1 We h/od :46 g1 .ls i t is .k -0 b g p Vbain 7 s irt : m/ o H :1 P C n u t nc n o : 9 F o smpi /o sm.1 C M o S e dv es: := 0 rm p e /i se 5 6 0p t 1 We h/od : k -5 ls i t is7 g1 . b g p 4 Vbain 1 m/ irt : 1 s o H:/ P 14 HA1 Vbain 1 m/ irt : 1 s o H :14 P / C n u t...

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Industrial Catalog - 11

DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM PUMP POMPE A DOUBLE DIAPHRAGME Double Diaphragm Pump Pompe a double diaphragme - Transmitting Capacity: 5 L/min. (0.4 kg) - Pression atmospherlque: Stainless Steel Double Diaphragm Pump Pompe a double diaphragme - Transmitting Capacity: 5 L/min. (0.4 kg) - Volume reservoir de peinture 4-200 L Combo: Double diaphragm pump with pneumatic agitator diaphragme avec agitateur Working Pressure: 1 5 Kg/cm - Max. painting pressure: 5 Kg/cm - Max. pump speed: 160 times/mln. - Transmitting Capacity: Pression de travail; 1 - 5 Kg/cm - Pression de peinture max,: 5 Kg/crrl - Vitesse max....

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Industrial Catalog - 12

Quality stainless steel tubes for pressure tanks. Tubes en acier inoxydable de premiere qualite accompagnant chaque modele de cuve a Paint shaker with oiler Melangeur a peinture avec huilier Paint shaker Pied pour pressure systems Moteur a air pour tous les Dual air & paint hose Boyau double a air et materiel Raccord reutilisable pour 7535APH Tout pour les produits a base d'eau

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Industrial Catalog - 13

AIRLgSS PRESSURE SYSTEM SYSTEME A PRESSION SANS AIR Allows the application of the paint with more precision by limiting the fume around the target. Operating horse power: 1/2 Permet I'application de la peinture avec plus de precision en limitant la volatility de votre produit. AIRLESS PRESSURE SYSTEM SYSTEME A PRESSION SANS AIR Allows the application of the paint with more precision by limiting the fume around the target. Operating horse power: 1/2 Permet I'application de la peinture avec plus de precision en limitant la volatilite de votre produit. Boyau pour Airless Pistolet Stains,...

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All Pro-Tek catalogs and technical brochures

  1. 9402

    1 Pages

  2. 4500XRP

    1 Pages

  3. 4000

    1 Pages

  4. New 2015

    11 Pages

  5. Fan Catalog

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. 2012 Catalog

    68 Pages