Life Science Microplates


Catalog excerpts

Life Science Microplates - 1

CUSTOM MANUFACTURE AUTOMATION ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION STORAGE/COLLECTION L I F E S C I E N C E S – S O L I D B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 96-well black, white & black with white wells Porvair Sciences range of solid bottom 96- well assay plates is specifically designed for absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence and scintillation applications. The design uses the most popular 96-well format with standard ‘chimney’ wells to overcome optical crosstalk and contamination. These plates are designed to give optimum results from any instrument which reads from the top of the plate. œ Black plates designed for top reading fluorescence instruments œ Black plates have low background fluorescence and minimise light scattering œ White plates maximise signal for luminescence readers œ Highly polished well to give better readings œ Specially designed plate featuring a white well set in a black matrix to overcome the problem of a very high luminescence causing false positives œ Working volumes of 350ìl/well œ Complies with the standard SBS format œ Alphanumerically labelled wells mean samples can be easily traced Solid polystyrene assay plates Plate description Colour Treatment Qty/pack Cat. no. 96 wells White – 50 204503 96 wells White – 100 204003 96 wells White Hi protein binding 100 204006 96 wells White Tissue culture 50 204512 96 wells White Tissue culture 100 204012 96 wells Black – 50 205503 96 wells Black – 100 205003 96 wells Black Hi protein binding 100 205006 96 wells Black Tissue culture 50 205512 96 wells Black Tissue culture 100 205012 96 wells Black with white wells – 100 301004 14

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Life Science Microplates - 2

CUSTOM MANUFACTURE AUTOMATION ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION STORAGE/COLLECTION L I F E S C I E N C E S – S O L I D B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 96-well clear plates with flat-, round- & V-bottom For routine adsorption, absorption, ELISA, mixing and storage applications the standard range of 96-well assay plates offers the perfect mix of affordability and high quality. œ Manufactured from high quality crystal polystyrene œ Flat bottom for spectrophotometric work œ V-bottom minimizing residual liquid œ Round (U) bottom for...

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Life Science Microplates - 3

CUSTOM MANUFACTURE AUTOMATION ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION STORAGE/COLLECTION 16 L I F E S C I E N C E S – S O L I D B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 384-well plates 384-well assay plates from Porvair Sciences are available in black, white and clear. These have been optimised for fluorescence, luminescence/scintillation and ELISA/turbidity measurements respectively. There are two working volumes: 30ìl/well or 120ìl/well. All 384-well assay plates are available in standard, high bind, low bind and tissue culture treated formats....

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Life Science Microplates - 4

L I F E S C I E N C E S – S O L I D B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 30ìl/well Solid assay plates Plate description Colour Treatment Qty/pack Cat. no. 384 wells of 120ìl Clear – 50 221503 384 wells of 120ìl Clear – 100 221003 384 wells of 120ìl Clear Hi protein bind 100 221012 384 wells of 120ìl Clear High bind with Lid 50 221006 384 wells of 120ìl Clear Tissue culture 50 221509 384 wells of 120ìl Clear Tissue culture 100 221009 384 wells of 120ìl White – 50 222503 384 wells of 120ìl White – 100 222003 384 wells of 120ìl White Hi protein bind...

Open the catalog to page 4
Life Science Microplates - 5

CUSTOM MANUFACTURE AUTOMATION ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION STORAGE/COLLECTION 18 L I F E S C I E N C E S – S O L I D B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 1536-well plates These plates are designed for very high throughput screening systems. They are manufactured to high tolerances to allow for smoother integration with liquid handling and robotic systems, where small variations in plate dimensions are critical. œ Guaranteed flat bottom œ Supplied as black, white or clear œ Rounded edge square wells reduce wicking effects œ Working...

Open the catalog to page 5
Life Science Microplates - 6

L I F E S C I E N C E S – C L E A R B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 24-well Krystal™ black & white Clear bottom plates allow the cells grown on the bottom surface to be viewed using an inverse microscope. In addition, light-emitting assays can be measured from the bottom. Porvair Sciences collection of clear bottom 24- well Krystal plates are optimised for fluorescence and luminescence. The special design of the plate virtually eliminates wellto- well light crosstalk inherent with other clear-bottomed microplate designs, enabling unmatched...

Open the catalog to page 6
Life Science Microplates - 7

CUSTOM MANUFACTURE AUTOMATION ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION STORAGE/COLLECTION 20 L I F E S C I E N C E S – C L E A R B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 96-well Krystal™ black and white Porvair Sciences clear bottom 96-well Krystal plates are optimised for fluorescence and luminescence. Proprietry ultra-sonic welding is used to assemble the clear bases to the solid top plate in our clean room. This design provides flat, optically clear bases to each well with no leakage, enabling excellent accuracy and reproducibility of photometric...

Open the catalog to page 7
Life Science Microplates - 8

L I F E S C I E N C E S – C L E A R B O T TO M A S S AY P L AT E S W W W . P O R V A I R - S C I E N C E S . C O M 384-well Krystal™ black and white The Krystal 384-well microplate range incorporates novel square wells with a large liquid capacity of 120ìl per well, increasing the achievable sensitivity of most HTS assays. Using a proprietary manufacturing technique, the Krystal 384 offers market leading plate flatness (+/- 0.1mm tolerance) that translates into a significant increase in measurement precision and elimination of read errors when performing cell based assays using fluorescent...

Open the catalog to page 8

All Porvair Sciences catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Assay plates

    16 Pages

  2. Storage Plates

    10 Pages

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